Haven’t fapped in nearly 5 days

Haven’t fapped in nearly 5 days.

When does it get easier?

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When you hit a flatline


post 10-14 days
and if you're hit with a flatline after 30 days and survive you're close to invincible to this particular vice

here's some inspiration

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Remember now, test peaks at 7 days no fap then begins to fall. Fap once every 7 days user

when you get a fucking hobby and stop thinking about it


Stop thinking of it as depriving yourself of something you want. You will inevitably relapse.
Instead, realize that you get nothing out of wanking, and you don't want to do it.



The knowledge in this book will make it easier for you to quit fapping. Hope this helps.

when you get really, really depressed.

fucking gold

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Cope, testosterone still elevated after 3 weeks pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11760788/

everyone in this thread is wrong, you're supposed to do noporn, not nofap idiots. literally just masturbate every week or 2 without edging and without porn. done.

you will NEVER make it

What people fail to realize is that getting a solid 8 hours of sleep every night will do better for your testosterone levels (and overall health) than nofap ever could.

>without edging

I can cum in literally 2 minutes

read the easypeasy method and realize that the issue is porn addiction.
do kegels and take small breaks if you're worried about that during sex

This. There's more to you being a waste of space than your addictions. More test won't save any of you.

It's time to TURBOFAP.

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haha expected but still lost

I'm also on day 5, HELPPPPPPPPPP

came to post this, yet lost to it

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If you guys are so obessed with testosterone that you avoid fapping to get like 3 ng more of it in your veins, why don't you just pin it?
Besides, is right in that sleep will be much more effective than nofap if test is what you want.

I have been fapping so less often that I only fap if I'm unbearably bored, my last nut was april 6th, nofap is pointless you fucking goblins

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When u start having sex or u get impotent

>not realizing he was joking

when you get so busy you don't think about it anymore. do something!

what's a flatline


I think that it never gets easier... but keep going my dude!!! you can do this!