
Any of you niggers actually given yoga a proper shot. It's easily the hardest and most painful exercise i've done, keep in mind I've done powerlifting, bodybuilding and multi day hikes.

My body feels way better than what it did a few days ago, i think it would be a great addition to any lifting regiment.

Only thing is, I don't think you'll get jacked if you just do yoga by itself.

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Yoga is great man. You can miss all that spiritual shit though.

Body has never felt like it works better since starting yoga, no knee, shoulder, neck or low back pain.

Yoga is awesome. I do it before and after my lifting sessions and my body has never felt better. I used to have back pain but it’s completely gone

Yeah i've noticed my hips and lower back have come back to life again. While the gyms are still currently closed in doing 2x1 hour blocks at 4am and 6pm + 10km walk.
I must say though, hamstring stretching is legendary on the pain scale.

I should give it a shot. The Molding Mobility and Starting Stretching from the sticky are working well for me so far. But I don't think I can survive a yoga class; I haven't been able to sit with my legs crossed since elementary school nor can I touch my toes. But from what I've noticed, improving mobility indirectly leads to gains since it allows your body to be stable and able to apply the appropriate force in a greater range of positions. Squats, deadlifts, and Pendlay rows all feel so much more comfortable.

My exgf taught me some and it was surprisingly challenging. Got any links to beginner routines?

Yoga is cool, but I don't like the spiritual bullshit.
>open your third eye
what does this even mean

I downloaded down dog from the app store. It's free till June or July because of corona.However, you can easily find a modded apk file that has the full version. I wanted daily yoga but i couldnt get my exploits to work :(

If you're a complete beginner like i was choose the restorative option, you just hold the stretches for longer. This will get you the flexibility to do more challenging stuff.

Thanks user. Time to get stretching

Yoga is about conditioning your body so that you can comfortably meditate for longer without being distracted by your body.
Once you are no longer troubled by your body you can more easily clear your thoughts. Eventually you will be able to clear your thoughts as well and reach nirvana. Or whatever you want to call it. A state where your perception expands beyond your physical body.

Honestly I thought the spiritual shit was all bullshit too, and then once I really started meditating I realized that the deep trance state they're talking about is pretty much the same feeling I get when I'm trying to make sense of quantum physics and don't have the words to explain it.

tl;dr: the spiritual shit isn't isn't the goal of the poses, it's just something that happens on the way.

Same. I work it into my routine every other month or so and it seems to reset all the bad shit with my body

It means open your 3rd eye. Don't tell me you still only have 2. Are you even trying to make it?

DDPY is unironically based. Skips the namaste shit and adds in slow rep calisthenics

>there are actually people that think they can perceive 3D with 2 eyes
as if they dont understand what the 3 means in 3d lmao

It either means you piss or shit yourself

Yoga is elite and anyone who writes it off is missing out. It's not mandatory, but my god, it is an absolute compliment to lifters.

>Flexibility and Mobility
This is the most obvious one that I think everyone can intuitively understand just by looking at yoga. While there are many different styles of yoga, almost all of them have some sort of flexibility and mobility component associated with them.

>Lower Back Pain Relief
Of the limited science behind yoga, one of the more conclusive conclusions we can draw is that for people who have low back pain, yoga is a source of relief.
That is good news for anyone who squats heavy or does hip thrusts and sometimes has a tender lower back. Also great for people who sit on the computer mindlessly browsing Yas Forums, which I know isn't any of us.

>Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nerve Regulation
This is what everyone is missing when they are turned off by yoga because 'Muh Chakras'. Listen, I agree that the spirituality of it can be a turnoff for non-believers, but if you accept a meditative state and focus on slow breathing, you're going to activate your parasympathetic nervous system.

There are some early studies that suggest that Yoga elevates GABA levels in the brain. This is the same effect that alcohol is chasing, FYI. The science here isn't that strong yet, but studies on yoga rarely get funding.

Regardless, people who are into breathwork and mindfulness will tell you yoga is great for de-stressing. There's a reason it is associated with hippies, just beyond the weed.

Most fitness activities are solo. Yoga is pretty solo as well, even when in group class format, but there ARE group class formats.
For the idiots in the crowd that do things based not on what they want but for women, yes, women love yoga and are attracted to men who like yoga. Especially if you can sell your soul buy into healing crystal shit

alright i'll try the yoga pill. someone give me some shit/exercises to do or whatever

Why are women so into yoga? Horse riding, social media, etc I understand but this shit baffles me

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In a week of a 30 day thing. Pretty good so far. Really realize how inflexible transitioning into poses. Like an old man getting up from the floor.

I'm doing other stretches do. Not stretching after runs messed the outside of my knee/IT Band. Realized it was from a muscle imbalance in my hips. Got to keeps things in balance.

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im kinda meh on the socialisation part but when I was in China i was dragged into doing yoga with my wife and her friends. I must say, being around so many women in a steamy room as well as being able to see their thongs through their yoga pants was nice, also having the instructor basically sit on top of me to help me get into the position was a benefit.

t levels were high that day for sure.

Women are more drawn to flexibility for some reason. Like how men are drawn to strength sports.

refer to the below post.

no (hard) work required
pretend you are doing something big

you have to remind yourself, vapid people on average sit roughly 3-5 hours DAILY on social media. It just miraculously happens to be that the social media consumption is dominated by women by active days and active hours

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>It's easily the hardest and most painful exercise i've done,
>keep in mind I've done powerlifting, bodybuilding and multi day hikes.
Show me 1(one) yoga excercise that is difficult for reasons other than inflexibility.

The pain stems from inflexibility, thats true ill give you that.

This though, I think to do this actually requires some skill.

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Yoga is amazing if you have doms and the ladies in tight pants give a nice test boost as well

the thing about a lot of these yoga positions is that i imagine they're much harder to do when you're a heavy guy who lifts. you're not some lightweight woman who runs and does yoga/stretching everyday.

That's still flexibility. Look at it at this angle. It's an extreme bridge and supporting lmao1bodyweight.

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I'm phoneposting and turned picture, but it didn't work.

I dont think bodyweight is a valid excuse for doing a natural movement. I can accept it as an excuse for why a 70kg person cant deadlift 500kg.

Look at Jujimufu, his quite jacked and he can do comfortably do yoga poses because he put the time in.

If you have a gut then I can accept that as an excuse because the gut would get in the way of achieving certain movements.

Not point in trying to convince retards on this board that stretching/yoga will improve your physique. They'll just keep lifting weights with bad posture their entire lives and burn out their joints and have arthritis because it was 'feminine' to stretch. lol

Adriene is a QT and most days are short enough to fit in easily.

She has two different 30 day programs. If you run both morning and night you'll come out pretty flexible by the end.

Flow yoga is decent cardio. Advanced poses build strength like calisthetics but obviously it's a lot of practice and not something you get just from doing videos.

I was going to respond to , then i saw your post. Thank you for saving my mental energy grand master.

Can you do it in rest days without killing the gains?

I'm liking it so far. Her teaching is awesome especially with the different ways to do poses varying your skill level.