Floor press is better than bench press, prove me wrong

Floor press is better than bench press, prove me wrong

Attached: Barbell-Floor-Press.jpg (738x415, 171.26K)

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bench is just like squat with stretch reflex.

Partials are ineffective.


Your mother's a used up whore, prove me wrong

Can you explain why? Genuinely curious, I've never done them. Less chance of injury with these?

How can I do incline floor press?

The Bench Press is a Jewish exercise created to sell exercise benches. Simple. Spoiler: You don't need a bench. Humans weren't meant to use benches. Being on the floor is more natural.

Yes our prehistoric ancestors were always lying in the dirt pressing up wood logs for 3 sets of 8 reps

It takes your leg drive out of the equation, so you can only press with your chest and triceps

Ask me how I know you can't bench for shit

Floor press is just chronic half-repping except somehow even more gay, prove me wrong

yes, and stone lifting. you can check the caves and shit.

takes out a lot of momentum on the bottom of the lift. the stretch reflex does a lot of work. You're forced to pause, then lift again.

yeah nothing like a quarter ROM of flat bench and if you fail slamming your elbows on the ground and snapping your wrists in half

Floor presses puts big torque strain on your bicep tendons unlike regular bench (road to tendonitis), and is a shorter movement to boot.

It is unless your gym has a thompson fat pad instead of a thin pad to support your back

Never done floor press confirmed.

I did them when I was DYEL, which explains why you love them so much

My forearms are super long so the bar is like 5 or 6 inches off my chest.

I would rather spotto press.

How much do you bench geek?

Simple. Range of Motion. Its still better than nothing, Ive seen people use the exercise balls too.

>falling for the bench jew

I always laugh when I see some skinny DYEL spend 10 minutes getting into position like he's about to take a big bbc from underneath. Meanwhile, a real chad lies down on the floor and relies on raw strength instead of some fairy.

Attached: Fake-Strength-Stop-Arching-the-Bench-Press.jpg (738x415, 81.08K)

I've been contemplating the question, if you could help me out, what does a full ROM bench press equate to a floor press? If I can do 2pl8 floor press, what is the equivalent BP if there is such an equation

295 for two on barbell
120s for 8 on dumbells

please don’t pretend you bench more than that doing floor press you’re just going to look pathetic lying on Yas Forums for no reason

My bench literally the same, but u have better dumbbell. I floor press 296 for 2 though.

woah you quarter rep the same I do on the ground? that’s the exact same as me touching my chest to the bar. if I ever wanted to ego lift and look like a mongoloid I’ll get on the ground have rep 330 for you

>why yes I did used to floor press, how on earth could you tell?

Attached: 77DD6F54-80B0-4F66-BAE2-ED13C5F061B5.jpg (236x354, 14.78K)

based /brownie/ jersey

go for it geek, I got 331 in the tank.

>Ask me how I know you can't bench for shit
Enlighten me.

Attached: 415lbs axle bar bench.webm (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Average bencher. Biggest cope lift of all time.

Attached: Huge_bench_ARCH.jpg (450x437, 165.31K)

A floor press is supposed to have the same range of motion as a regular bench. The starting position is with the barbell touching your chest. What that guy is doing is a raised floor press

Less leg drive, less wiggle room, max force is at the start of the lift. Higher torque than regular bench, as well.

I bench 332 all day

That's why you do the floor press, so you don't have these retarded 120 degree arches.

sounds like 296 isn’t your real max then, either you’re an absolute retard or a little bitch


333 is possible for me

you're getting trolled m8 if you havent't noticed

Attached: 1587944009165.gif (368x368, 1.92M)

tits and timestamp

lol what world do you live in