are dumbbells better than barbells?
Are dumbbells better than barbells?
no but nice whore
Built for using both tools in ways that fit your goals, brainlet
Dumbbells? More like DUMBbells.
In moderation... Just dont overdo the sugar or have too late in the day (half life of caffeine is about 18 hours)
is coffee good for yo- OOPS!
Diamond tattoo on ring finger kek
i really like this image. may i save it?
Stop watching porn !
Depends on the movement can't exactly do flyes with a barbell. Or bench enough with a dumbell. You can make dumbells work up to intermediate lifting. Like two 60lb dumbells and doing reverse lunges would be the equivalent of 210 lb squat since the front baring more weight. You have to really be ready to do unilateral work and look for movements you can't do with barbells to justify buying them. Even then your probably going to reach the limits of their usefulness quicker than even say progressed bodyweight routines
yes dumbbells are better than barbells for every lift except squating. not mentioning irrelevant shit like dead lifts
post body
For the most part. You can manipulate the weight with dumbbells more to contract and stretch the muscle due to the increased range of motion. Barbell workouts serve a purpose also though, especially for compound movements like squatting.
>burzum shirt
> unnatural hair
ask me how I know this stupid sexhole could not name even one track, much less explain in her own words why it is good
Me too! Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
Do more pullovers/skull crushers
do you really just use dumbbells? I always loved dumbbell presses instead of bench presses, but everything I read said that was wrong...
liking burzum is whatever, but does she like varg and what he has to say? that would be a keeper right there.
I wanna give this girl some cuddles ngl
How do I talk to girl. My eyes met with a cute girl at the gym a few months ago and she looked so disgusted, she took the long way out just to avoid me
you could try talking to them instead of just staring creepily at them
I started doing doing triceps extensions with 2 dumbbells recently. would you recomend pullovers/skull crushers over them?
she got some t h i c c fingers
No. If you think you want to use a dumbbell instead use a barbell one handed.
They're differnt pullovers are more upper and inner chest and you limit the range of motion at the top to keep them under tension and you bring the elbows more in. They're pretty fantastic movment I think should be apart of almost any lifting routine. They're like an end of workout thing though assuming you've done compounds before. They just help to max out that little triangle that seems near impossible to work effectively.
yeah, dumbbells only plus an ab wheel for dem dere core gains. pic reated is me on my 4th month of lifting
I change up my program depending on which muscles need more work but I always include imo king of all lifts, dumbbell ohp. it does wonders for your physique. my legs are trash though, I tried doing bulgarian split squats for a few months and decided I'd rather kms then continue with them
that sounds based. thanks user, I'll include them in my routine
s-she listens t-to burzum
damn good shit. Whats the highest weight dumbell you got? I find I was able to get solid legs with just standard weighted barbell squats and dumbell lunge walks.