“Nooooo!!!!!! You can’t take steroids to look good!!!! You have to stay natty like me and look like shit!!!!!”

>“Nooooo!!!!!! You can’t take steroids to look good!!!! You have to stay natty like me and look like shit!!!!!”

When will the natlets on this board stop trying to drag us down to their level?

Attached: 6EE339E1-35B9-4609-AE82-E2722FAC9A44.jpg (512x442, 72.32K)

Cope, I will achieve this natty

Attached: cbt.jpg (1209x1893, 782.14K)

You most likely not achieve that natty. You can still look good tho.

How about you actually put enough effort towards trying before you ask

Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

If not b8 then you’re extremely delusional

What is the point of using roids? To look better? What for? Women? Most women are happy with dyel men, but if you lift for them than you are a very shallow person and even if you attain the best body possible you still lack something more important. I will let you figure out that for yourself.

A home gym.

drugs won't make you taller manlet

If it gets the result you want, it's the right thing to do. Steroids would interfere with my goals, so I don't juice. I won't begrudge you from doing so.

Nattys seem to think by simply saying they will/can will make it happen. I think it’s the shoot for the stars settle for the atmosphere type of mindset

What’s it like to lose your testicles?


I’m 6’ 2”

Give me one reason why you need testicles? That’s right, you can’t.

king of manlets

Only fags use roids. Prove me wrong

You have to be a grown up to post here

Post height and bodies faggots.

But he's not even that short? That's average for lifting standards...

Can't believe this guy was born too early and never got a chance to look good

Attached: JohnGrimek.jpg (552x552, 54.25K)


kys pinner, oh wait ...
you already are, slowly

How do steroids work?
I thought they were an anti inflammatory that allows you to spam hypertrophy exercises

I like seeing my body transform. It’s for me, I have a bit of dysmorphia so it is what it is. I’m cruising right now since there’s no gym :(

Attached: 580E8250-1EAA-4EA6-AF89-034A1654BECB.jpg (720x420, 207.76K)

Kek, absolutely seething

Post body natlet

You roiders have to stop spouting this idea that we don't roid out of some moral or idealistic viewpoint, that's simply not the case. Most of us just don't want to inject an entire pharmacy into their bodies on a weekly basis just to get huge.

I lift for health as well as strength + aesthetics. Roids are bad for your health so it's not worth it.

To reproduce. It's your main purpose in life and you're throwing it away for what exactly?

>it’s your main purpose in life

Citation needed

You would not exist if your parents did not reproduce or if their parents didn't reproduce. This is quite obvious and logical.


why didnt you use this amazing opportunity to post body instead a basedjak?