Looking for /comfy/ music for casual cycling. No normie music pls.
Pandemic time is unironically based. No fat suburbanites in oversized pickups treating the city like its Mad Max so its actually safe to jog/cycle outside right now.
Looking for /comfy/ music for casual cycling. No normie music pls
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God tier morale-boosting music:
The carter family and johnny cash.
Bumping this from my bike while I ride around the abandoned streets of a major west coast city, soon to be the soundtrack for my urban looting trips.
you seriously can't beat this album for comfy apocalyptic living. Oldschool bluegrass in general but especially the polished female harmonies of the carter family with the one and only johnny cash.
Also based but I can't get into it while I'm excersizing. Not rhythmic enough. Great for listening at home though.
It's this shit, a straw hat, some dingy black metal tshirt and some raggedy jeans, boots, my remington 700, my dog. It's gonna be great.
"I just saw the gayest guy on earth" by Anal Cunt. It's what everyone in their vehicles puts on when they see you in the turning lane on your bike.
yeah this is more for trekking around the hellscape. I'll post some more tunes until the thread picks up.
anal cunt is so old bro, get with the times. Grindcore has made some serious strides since the 90s and their most recent stuff is just a rehash of the same style.
Check out wormrot if you haven't heard:
And get on your bike fatty
Little faggot, little faggot- what makes you act so queer?
All this makes an easy transition to some of the more pleasant tunes of 60s and 70s folk revival:
RIP John Prine
The Old Testament is written by sex and gore obsessed Jews, notwithstanding. All of the Tanakh is horseshit.
gorgeous sound coming from that thing. Is it some kind of collector's item or rare? You don't hear that type of tone much
Tfw,googled Ezekiel 23:20.
Tfw ,it's not a meme.
No. Grindcore is a boring genre of crust punk hippy homos trying to act intense like somekind of interpretive dance.
I cut off my jeanth 5 incheth below my kneeth. Look how big my ear lobthe are.
Well, o.k., Machetazo had a couple good ones but that's all.
you posted about grindcore and are now talking about how shit grindcore is, all while refusing to use your body to propel your transportation instead relying on earth destroying saudi fossil fuels
You're just inthecureth
I bet it's an antique. I always hear a unique sound coming from antique guitars and fiddles. e.g. youtube.com
>The bible is anti BBC
>our religion
Nice try
>a straw hat, some dingy black metal tshirt and some raggedy jeans, boots, my remington 700, my dog
sounds perfect, user
my bad dude I don't have my glasses on and that pic wasn't relevant. do you ever smoke a pipe?
Nope, do you recommend it?
I smoke a pack of yellow spirits maybe once every two years.
The Based thing about this is Ezekiel was making an extended allegory about the absolute state of Jews at the time, and how degenerate they had gotten
You meant to use past tense??
Not very sad, but melancholic in a way.
Debussy too. All the french impressionists killed it with the comfy melancholic yet life affirming shit. It's normie as fuck but I love the opera posters and books from that era as well, they really had it figured out aesthetically speaking.