Semen retention is not a meme

I see a lot of threads lately about how semen retention is a meme and it doesn't work. I do wonder who could be behind those threads (sarcasm)?

Anyway, to add my 2cents, I have been retaining for about ~2 years or so (I don't count because counting is a meme and proves you are still addicted if you have to wait until you reach 90 days to quit). The benefits are only there if you actually quit for real. Most people here that "quit" actually, use the will power method. Every single thought of theirs then gets occupied by coomer stuff and cooming. You are only going to hurt yourself that way and your already depleted will power shrinks further this way. Instead you ought to quit for good, someone that has quit doesn't contemplate his decision, he needs not to count how many days he has been sober, because he will never do it again, he is free, that is the mindset you need to see benefits. The benefits at least for me were that my ADHD completely went away and with some practice I could actually do deep work and focus on my tasks. I became really productive, after I realized that quitting porn was actually easy I quit anime, vidya and all that other bullshit. I started working out (I don't lift, only body weight and swimming). The other benefit is that you will be EMPTY and BORED. You will have to find other activities to keep yourself busy. For me it was various hobbies such as literature, taking the Orthodox pill (I want to live the Legionary lifestyle). Long walks, exploring nature and cooking (I don't use any supplements, so I have to spend a lot of time cooking meals rich in protein, carbs, fiber etc).

TL;DR If you retain, you gain a lot and lose nothing.

Some resources that could help with this:

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Other urls found in this thread:

I realized, when I started wanking again after a good 2 months of nofap that my oneitis came back. Do you think it could be related? It may also be that I have less things to distract me from actual feelings.

I think it is related to fapping, but mostly it's because of the quarantine. We are limited to staying at our homes and most of our activities cannot be done this way. You are naturally more bored than usual, right? You should work out from home and much more so than usual. Find hobbies you can do during this time distract yourself with meaningful tasks. That is temporary solution tho. Best would be to face your feelings head on, why do you have an oneitis for that for that girl to begin with? Could you explain a bit better.

What for did you report me? This is perfectly Yas Forums related and I see NoFap threads every day.

Every religious doctrine says to not fap

It is best not to feed thsese trolls, they are negative people (coomers/hapas/them) that want to bring others down. Yas Forums is a positive board, we are here to help each other out. People like him can go back to spamming blacked on Yas Forums.

post nose and last name filthy kike

Christ is risen brother! Stay strong in the Lord and have faith. I'm on day 127 myself, and Codreanu is a large inspiration. Keep thy mind in hell, and despair not.

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Based, easy peasy is the best way to get rid of the porn jew

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>perfectly Yas Forums related
No you fucking moron. If you think not touching your pp gives you superpowers that's fine but don't post about it on a fitness board.
> I see NoFap threads every day
I see tranny bucketcrab threads everyday too. Are you behind those as well?
You're the troll. Pathetic niggers like you spend your time clutching at straws. You praise mewing and nofap and act like their the solution to everything in life even though there's NO FUCKING EVIDENCE NOFAP OR MEWING WORKS. And you fall for kikes' lies and mock actually helpful advice such as growing a beard or actually socializing.

Get a clue you fucking idiots.

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Orthodox Study Bible is a meme bro. My friend says that people read the comments before the scripture itself.
>I want to live the Legionary lifestyle
that's gay as hell and you should talk to your priest. if he's cool with it, then it's cool, but dude otherwise you're kinda just a massive faggot. Codreanu was sick though

Truly he is risen! En verdemente resucitado!!!

good post

>falls for a two thousand year old Indian pagan meme

Mewing also works, but it takes a lot of time to see results. I never said that socializing does not work, it important. Also if you can grow a beard and it looks good, go for it. But that does not mean you should not try other things also. Just because you are a weak willed chinlet who thinks one cannot improve his looks, does not mean you have to bring others down. If people are willing to put in the good work, why not let them? Lastly, post nose.

this person is clearly sane in the head, and his display these last few days shows a person to behold and be inspired

It's true bros. I've been thinking about hitting up my ex/first love in a relationship that broke my heart several times. This quarantine suuuuuucks man. The relationship was super cosmic tho.

It's time to take the /nopiss/ pill bros
Urine retention is the key to beating (((them)))

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Isn't it funny that whenever someone makes a thread giving solid advice and talks about the benefits of doing something there always is a group of people freaking out over it. What is their agenda? Are they that mad that others are willing to try and improve themselves that they most stop them at any and all costs? Do they have nothing better to do then destroy the hopes and aspirations of others? If people waste their time to throw you off balance, then it is most likely a vile and despicable people you are dealing with, steer clear from such people and be on your own path. NoFap does work, if you actually quit, but not force yourself not to watch, there is a BIG difference. Same with working out, it is enough to be fit and capable of handling yourself in nature and having an attractive physique and posture. Yet the same people that are against NoFap etc, tell you to take roids and supplements. Again, what is their agenda? Nobody needs to look like a bloat monster or roider to garner female attention. Heck even lifting for women is pretty gay to begin with. You ought to lift to improve your discipline, your sleep and feel better and more powerful as a human. Yet when you state that as your lifting goals, those same people call you a lier and tell you it's cope. Be yourself user, follow your own path, do not ever let these demons destroy your motivation.

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there's the ones who try an approach of mocking it, like they probably realize acting desperate is only gonna favor the other guy's point so they try to act conceited about it. being the "chad" who throws a joke, everybody laugh, considers himself the winner of the discussion, moves on

I want to try this but if I dont nut for a week I get wet dreams. Always happens. I only dont do nofap or this becasue I hate having to clean up everything after nutting in my sleep. How do I stop this?

wear briefs. I exclusively wear one type of underwear and never have any problems with leaks

They always either mock you or make joking remarks. I have yet to see a single one of them try and discredit this type of advice. At some point when they cannot find a way to distract the discussion anymore, they just go and report threads that don't fit their agenda.

past some time if you're still having wet dreams it's because you are sill entertaining your eyes with pictures and videos online or dreaming events with people on the streets

Good job retard
Enjoy your ban

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There is a reason why being called a "wanker" is such a common insult in many languages. It is pathetic and beyond justification.

Based, godspeed brah

I notice that when i sleep on stomach im more likely to coom

yup it's because it's too easy to push your hard schlong into your bed. gotta flip over, fren

Sleep like your ancestors did i.e. on your side