Why does society promote smoking weed for men when it's known to raise estrogen levels in men...

Why does society promote smoking weed for men when it's known to raise estrogen levels in men? Why smoke something that will feminize you?

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It's temporary and not even that significant. Go to your nearest nigger with a blunt in his hand and ask for a hug and see how feminized he is.

I smoke weed everyday and I'm fucking jacked

Weed isn’t even all that bad it’s just that it’s abused. Should be used like alcohol: Socially/on weekends/even just once a month. You know someone has a weak brain when they try and convince you why they need to smoke or why they smoke everyday and that they’re successful(95% of potheads are not successful and simply call having dead end wagecuck jobs to barley make ends meet so they can continue to get high every day success).

Weed is great, it can totally enhance what you’re doing. But smoking every single day on every occasion every chance you get and craving your next toke is dopamine addict soiboy shit.

The most jacked guy I know is also the biggest weed smoker I know.


because you gotta the keep the masses controlled, and under the influence of substances

keep blaming society for your mantits fatso

Who cares. Muh estrogen is just cope so fatties can place the blame for their weight on McDonald's and aquafina for putting estrogen in their products. Unless you're already 99% soi, a 0.1% increase in estrogen levels isn't going to do shit.

Darion would hug me god damnit

>other people want what's best for you and don't look to sabotage you to get ahead


>known to raise estrogen levels in men?
that is the least worrying effect of long term cannabis use. smoking Cannabis habitually makes you turn into a retard. the cucks in academia won't put a scientific concensus since making that claim will take 20-40 years of research but it is blatantly obvious.

estrogen promotes irrational aggression, androgens do not

Alcohol can promote the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, and higher than normal estrogen levels can increase the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

Imagine being so Low T that a tiny bit of estrogen scares you

You realize microplastics in our food and water will feminize you more then smoking a blunt ever will

Just drinking one bottle of water is worse then a blunt

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>all chads I see are drinking and smoking
>dyel faggots on a image board still pushing their puritan shit

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I'd like to smoke weed every now and then, but I'm gyno prone. I got surgery last November, and since then I feel tingling, gyno-like symptoms in my nipples a little bit.
After looking it up apparently this happens to some other people too, in fact some gain bad gyno because of it.

So I'm too pussy to smoke weed again because I don't want gyno titties

go ask a elephant during musth about testosterone



Why do Anons worry so much about testosterone/estrogen when they don't even lift?


I'm already on juice and AI. It helps my recovery, enables me to sleep and eat, and stopped my childhood induced nightmares. And it instantly stops my panic attacks. Basically, for people with fucked up childhoods it's the only way to go.

You should worry more about your water that you drink than weed concerning estrogen. Our tap water is heavily contaminated with hormones for women. We can't filter out all the hormones from women who are on birth control piss into our system. And that is more dangerous than the estrogen from weed.

Heroin isn’t even all that bad it’s just that it’s abused. Should be used like alcohol: Socially/on weekends/even just once a month. You know someone has a weak brain when they try and convince you why they need to shoot or why they shoot everyday and that they’re successful(95% of junkies are not successful and simply call having dead end wagecuck jobs to barley make ends meet so they can continue to get strung every day success).

Heroin is great, it can totally enhance what you’re doing. But shooting every single day on every occasion every chance you get and craving your next toke is dopamine addict soiboy shit.

smart high IQ comparison friend do you think coffee drinkers are the same as crack addicts too?

Don't fantasize and think too deeply about shit like this. If you obsess too much about the little stuff you lose sight of the big picture. Thinking about stuff like this leads me to believe you aren't working yourself hard enough in the first place.

Because that's not how estrogen works retard, if your estrogen levels start to outweigh your testosterone, your body will produce more test. It's why trannies need to be on hormone blockers or test/estrogen their entire lives.

Alcohol is terrible for you. Makes you a drunken belligerent idiot and fat as hell.


no, just that weed addicts are not unlike other drugs addicts.

Everything in moderation

It's genetics. Chads have the genes to withstand drinking/smoking/whatever whereas the rejects on a Balkan knitting pattern forum are more than likely going to be NOT robust, high T, sturdy men who can bounce back from anything.

bread and circuses

Heroin has a physiological addictive element whereas weed is psychologically addictive at most.

wrong. there are withdrawal symptoms.

i get that weed isnt cigarettes but it still leaves tar in your lungs why are so many people retards about smoking things

just drink in moderation or something