Experiences with Wellbutrin (bupropion)

Gonna try and make this post short as possible.
I've had anxiety issues on and off for years, apathetic form of depression for even longer, probably since my teens. The biggest thing that bugs me? Dick don't work. I have almost no drive when it comes to anything, especially getting off. Nofapped a long while and still didn't feel like i needed to get off (this is years after the issue started.) Read about wellbutrin and asked my psychiatrist about it, he thinks I should at least give it a shot. I'm worried it'll cause me more anxiety but if it doesn't, from what I hear it'll be a wonder drug for me. Increased sex drive, motivation, energy, higher T, etc.

Been on klonopin for 2+ years now for my anxiety, really low dosage, started at least half a year after developing an anxiety disorder and my dick dying, I know that isnt the cause.
Buspar I take on and off, started that months ago, works by raising serotonin I think, but I read serotonin is actually bad for you. Has helped me start weaning off klonopin though.

Anyways yeah, thoughts? Personal experiences? Does it really incresse libido as much as people say? What are the odds of me getting a panic attack and needing to pop 1mg+ of klonopin to calm down?

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Also to add, I did have sex a few times with my gf (now ex, fuck me up senpai,) but I could only get like 40% hard. Despite her having a perfect body, just couldn't get it up. And when I did get it partially up it only lasted maybe a minute or two. I just dont get half the enjoyment or pleasure out of anything that I should. Still enjoyed it among other things but everything is just meh. Even things I used to love doing and made me feel great, like lifting.


Your post comes near to my heart because my friend who I have known for the longest time of any of my friends started to take a legal prescription for klonopin and he is absolutely worse because of it. He says that he is fine, he says that he is better, he isn't.

In truth he didn't have a high drive before but he does absolutely fucking not shit nothing now. He either has disproportionate and unfounded confidence acting like an asshole high on his so called medicine or he is completely withdrawn. To be honest the fact that you want to be more active and have a higher drive sets you two apart.

My belief is that you should avoid taking a cocktail of drugs everyday. Waking up and taking Buspar, klonopin, and wellbutrin every day or most days? I don't mean to sound like an asshole by saying this but your problem is really clear.

Talk to your doctor about getting off of the meds. All of them. You don't need to take my advice about it because I don't know you but when the doctor informs you that you will have a variety of withdrawal symptoms you should take it as the cue that it is actually the medicine that is making you unwell and doesn't belong in your body.

How old are you to be on so many prescriptions? Do you have any plan for when to discontinue them or do you expect take them for life? I swear it should be a crime for doctors to give people so many prescriptions like this simultaneously when they really just want to have a good life.

I sincerely wish you good luck in freeing yourself, I know you can do it if your try. The body has its natural balance and can restore itself but it will take time and then you will feel better without that poison in you.

>he fell for the pharma jew
Yeah buddy just keep swallowing those pills, it will fix you eventually im sure

Actually took Wellbutrin at the lowest dose for about 6 months. I can’t even say if it worked or if I felt anything change mentally. Life just started getting better and I felt better as a result of it desu

No wonder you don't feel 100%, you're taking a ton of drugs!

Great experiences with Wellbutrin. It's only amphetamine-like in structure; very good stuff.

Please do try it user

I know it helps with the smoking addiction but i've nevr had any actual patient of my try it. I'd like to know if people should be weary of a specific secondary effect and how effective it is to stop smoking

You’re just a fucking puss puss, broham.

I know it makes a lot of people worse off especially taking it long term; I genuinely am higher functioning now than I've been since my teens. Anxiety, better than its been in years. Don't take the Buspar every day, and when I do it's a small dose. Klonopin, I take about .5mgs, maybe a quarter of 1mg a day. Just a few months ago before starting Buspar I needed .75-1mg a day on average. I know many aren't so lucky and take 2 mgs, 3, 4 or even more daily.

Has it made my drive in general worse? No. I really do feel it's helped me. Especially now that my anxiety isn't crippling or anything like it was. I can work more now than I've ever had and don't worry half as much about getting panic attacks. Can go out more and do more, be with people more (well not now due to the chink flu.) A year ago I couldn't picture myself living a relatively normal life. Therapy and these meds have helped me a lot so far.

I want to quit klonopin, definitely, or at least not take it daily. Buspar? I mean, it helps me not need klonopin so much, but I'd like to get off it entirely or take only as needed.
As for the wellbutrin, I hear it's great for motivation, better mood, more drive both sexual and otherwise; I have no doubt that my dopamine levels are fucked so it sounds perfect for me assuming it actually works okay with my brain.

>how old are you
23. Anxiety started around age 20, believe it was marijuana induced. Quit soon as I started getting panic attacks. Depression, had that since maybe age 12 or 13. Used to be suicidal, now I just feel everything is lackluster.
>have a plan or thought about discontinuing use?
Of course. No solid plan being that I need them still, and natural alts dont really do anything for me. But as I said before I do hate taking drugs just so I can function. I'm hoping that wellbutrin will not only ease my anxiety but also give me more drive and all, that I won't need the other 2 drugs at all. That's wishful thinking though imo.

Because I totally love having to take drugs and have never tried natural alternatives, nope. Nothing makes me feel more whole than popping pills just so I can function in a relatively normal state.

You are at serious risk, buspar takes 4 to 6 weeks to build up in your system enough to have full clinical effects and same with wellbutrin. It will probably take equally long to get off. Please think about this clearly, this shit is harmful to you. Don't "try" it because at that point your already committing to 3 months.

Was on prozac (10mg) for like few months. My panic attacks and anxiety were still kinda there i guess, i napped like 2 hours a day and felt so sleepy. I was more 'calm' you could say. I could fuck my ex for so long without cumming, but i wouldnt be as hard.

I am one who wrote the post you replied to.

Everyone is more highly functioning in their 20's than in their teens. If you are willing to try this new medicine I want to encourage you to give going clean an honest attempt, including no alcohol and no weed. If you want to feel completely there, get your dick working again, and stop being dependent on drugs, then you need to recognize that you have a drug problem. Please do yourself a favor and don't hop on another pill to try to balance out the effects of the other. To really balance yourself out you need to stop.

I feel like this is relevant to your situation OP, this is a bedtime story for children here in the united states but maybe you will see how it could relate to you.

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and wiggled and tiggled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a bird
How absurd to swallow a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a cat
Fancy that to swallow a cat!
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady that swallowed a dog
What a hog, to swallow a dog.
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a cow
I don't know how she swallowed a cow.
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a horse...
She's dead - of course!

I've been told Buspar works for some just taking it as needed, seems to be the case for me. I don't feel I need it every day and I do get some relief when I do take it. So it does something.
Wellbutrin I know I'd need every day or it wouldn't do jack. I know drugs are bad to be taking but I really do need something. Not everyone is put together or has the same brain chemistry man. Therapy has helped me a lot sure but I still can't go without medication and keep functioning. Reason I'm considering wellbutrin is because it fits just about everything I need a drug to do, and if anything it wont kill my dick, but improve it.
I literally can't cope without any drugs. I've tried it before. Just am not at a point where it's a viable option man. There's been a number of times where I've gone 2, 3, 4 days without any or very very little, but generally if I try to quit I just start getting panic attacks again. Drive gets even worse because I can't do anything without my brain going into overdrive.
Got a laugh out of me, thanks user. But I do see your point.

Of course you have panic attacks if you don't take them, you take antianxiety medicine to the point you have developed a dependence, you are having withdrawals

i see what you're saying, i wish you good luck, i hope you don't do it but you gotta make them choice for you, hope youre okay though

May be the case. May not be. All I know is I've had them much worse before taking meds. I'm hoping wellbutrin will enable me to get off the other 2 drugs, not just give me more drive and make my dick work, lol.
Thank you user.

Daily reminder that
>Hitler hated blacks
Is LITERALLY Jew propaganda.

Hitler never said a single bad word about black people. The only reference to blacks in Nazi propaganda is to talk about how bad Americans treated them. There literally were black Nazis. Hitler was extremely nice to Jesse Owens who openly says he treated him better than Americans at the time. It's all bullshit.

anyone here ever try meth? i haven't taken anything stronger than an asprin b4. what's being high like?

Attached: cuties smoking.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

Based and redpilled
Methheads unironically should kill themselves if they refuse to quit

Hey OP I’m on wellbutrin for depression. The effect isn’t noticeable consciously but overall I am much better than I was a few months ago. Antidepressants are highly dependent on the person though, I tried prozac before and it was awful, wellbutrin is what worked.

Any improvement of your sex drive or was it pretty normal from the get go? Drive and motivation in general?

What op meant is to tell you to seek therapy for your anxiety, ie Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

>i haven't taken anything stronger than an asprin b4
It’s incredibly powerful, like nothing you’ve ever experienced, but so is the comedown. If you chase it you’ll spend 90% of the time feeling like absolute shit, worse than any hangover, for a few hours of bliss

Start small buddy, cocaine snd mandy are better if you’re after stimulants and you’ll be able to gauge whether harder stuff will turn you into a junkie

>l need pharmajew to be a functioning adult

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>you’ll spend 90% of the time feeling like absolute shit, worse than any hangover, for a few hours of bliss
this doesn't sound worth it, man. i still get a rush when i drink a 5 hour energy :)

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My point exactly. It only feels worthwhile to people who are already incredibly unhappy

How long and what dosage to feel anything on wellbutrin?