Be me

>Be me
>100kg close grip bench
>72.5kg wide/normal bench
>32 close grip dips
>13 normal/wide dips

>tfw when chestlet

Attached: derokplate.png (1939x1066, 2.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

More plates less chest

>Be me
>95kg wide/normal bench
>43kg incline close grip bench
>tfw when triceplet

it's because you're a fucking retard who can't crop pictures and saves photos as .png

Not only am I a chestlet but a brainlet too, now tell me how to fix my pigeon chest faggot

>saving as PNG

Attached: B87+ptrOsAXbAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.png (352x352, 17.89K)

>puffy nips despite being shredded
iktf and I don't even roid, it's over

>roiding for this

>Be me
>120kg normal bench
>115kg closegrip bench
>25kg weighted dips x 10
>weightless wide dips 27x

>Tfw no friends to lift with or friends in general

Attached: 336a807d.jpg (960x715, 72.62K)

Other than his delts and arms, this guy has some shit tier genetics

>185kg paused wide grip bench
>180kg paused close girp bench

Feels good to be balanced.

Attached: 1587284268374.png (760x840, 989.39K)

you probably have bigger tits than that girl

Yeah, my gf gets butthurt I have bigger tits than her lmao.

hot, post tits

wtf is going on with the veins? this isnt you is it

>110kg wide bench
>can't close grip bench because it hurts my right shoulder, also a triceplet

Attached: 1585050465309.webm (360x636, 537.04K)

>can only bench 220
>wonders why chest is small
have you tried actually opening up your chest with flys or dumbell press before?

when he says "openin up da chest" he's serious. I incorporated dumbell press into my chest day and noticed a world of difference in my pec structure.

Nah, I'm straight.

Are those his actual lifts? I'm way smaller than him yet im stronger in all of those, hes weak as fuck relative to his size if those numbers are legit.

What's up with that? Is this the meme you guys talk about with roiders actually been pretty weak despite being big?

Attached: giphy(5).gif (480x270, 1.04M)

Love you Derek

no homo, obviously

You're an idiot.


>decline post body
do it anyway

You look like the lovechild of Billy Herrington and Cosmo Kramer

Attached: file.png (770x1027, 922.31K)

What the fuck I just realized he looks like Aniki I can’t unsee it now.

>be me
>120 kg bench

Armlet, but at least I got good chest and back aka torso dominant

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30-08-46-45-584_org.videolan.vlc.jpg (2340x1080, 837.31K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-30-08-46-45-1584_org.videolan.jpg (1080x1920, 903.01K)

milk truck

Attached: 1135786105724.jpg (331x332, 15.25K)


I should start my cut in 12 days to reach this form again.

Attached: 2019-09-05 15.48.23_copy_816x612.jpg (816x612, 74.03K)

God zyzz is so cute

more shoulders less chest