Lifting for girls, focus on aesthetics, being lean, and having a toned and very so slightly muscular body, not worrying about strength or doing specific lifts such as barbell squats and deadlifts >lmao loser >imagine lifting for women hahah bro >lifting for women is a terrible reason to lift
Lifting for Yas Forums, eating far too many calories everyday, gaining bodyfat to a point where it’s unhealthy and disgusting, all so you can increase your squat and deadlift numbers, to impress a bunch of random autists on Yas Forums, and destroying your spine in the long run, ending up with medical issues caused by constantly overloading your spine with hundreds of pounds >absolutely based >very impressive >alpha male
Yas Forums is not one user it's a range of opinions, I only train for power, I don't eat enough to be big idgaf what females think except my wife who doesn't care as long as I don't damage myself. I'm not in either of your categories.
Michael Wood
I'm a high functioning autist if that matters. Maybe that's the link.
Easton Rodriguez
post physique
Austin Johnson
In pre sure the guy that’s 10% bodyfat that does light dumbbell work for upper body and cardio for lower body is much less likely to be a virgin over some obese stretch-mark-city-loose-skin fat fuck moron that’s still bulking despite being 38% bodyfat, because he “isn’t strong on squats yet to impress Yas Forums“ so he keeps bulking and squatting hoping to impress Yas Forums one day
Christopher Cook
i lift for strength and because it's fun now that i already look good.
Thomas Watson
meh, most powerlifters i've met haven't been fat just dyels. Weirdly, the ones who focus on aesthetics like autists are usually virgins.
Lincoln Powell
lifting for yourself (not telling yourself you are but actually lifting for yourself) is the best. I genuinely think that achieving success in a very long term, difficult pursuit is the best feeling in the world. that, and nutting bareback in the vaginas of hot women.
Angel Flores
That's what he fucking said, user. What did you think he meant?
Isaiah Diaz
This. Women don't give a fuck if you lift. They care if you take care of yourself and you're not ugly. Think long term.
Andrew Collins
I was a virgin for the first 5 years of my lifting. Guess what? I was doing powerlifting, dreamer bulking, and trying to get as strong as possible on the big 3.
Then one day I said “fuck it” sold my power rack, barbell, plates and bench, I replaced it with a few pairs of light dumbbells, and I started doing upper body only with dumbbells, and lots of cardio, and I cut 25 kilograms of fat, obtained abs for the first time, legs shrunk down dramatically, increasing the proportions of my penis (smaller legs, bigger looking penis) got a girlfriend shortly after that, and stopped being an incel.
I also stopped eating 200g protein per day and only aimed for 80-100g max, which made my diet a lot more flexible and socially friendly. My asthma symptoms (life long asthmatic) reduced by at least 90% from getting to a low bodyfat and no longer eating tons of calories everyday.
Luke Hughes
Doing anything, ANYTHING for girls is cringe as fuck. You shouldn't have to try that hard to get girls OP. If you need to lift to get them, you're doing something wrong. I already get girls. I lift anyway, because it's fun and I like to look good and be healthy and strong as fuck. >b-but you just admitted you like to good! Yeah and? I'm not doing it specifically for any girl and it happens naturally as a logical outcome of being muscular and fit. Again, you shouldn't have to try that hard specifically for that. That's the part you and others like you aren't getting. But keep on larping like you're pro bodybuilders when you probably look like the average gym rat, assuming you even lift.
Carson Gonzalez
What is this mental gymnastics cope?
You literally lift for women
Jayden Fisher
you could've just gotten strong in the big three while being lean lol, not that hard. Do you think anyone who cares about strength eats like a retard?
Ayden Gomez
>you could've just gotten strong in the big three while being lean lol, not that hard
Never seen that happen outside of noob gains phase in the first 6 months of lifting
You’re a 1st year lifter aren’t you? :-)
Luis Barnes
you sound like a rippetoe junkie. there are thousands of competitive, lean, natty powerlifters. being fat doesn't help unless you're already in the heavy weight classes. you are the idiot here if you think you can't be strong and lean as a natty.
Jayden Powell
Me: (and this is verbatim from my post) >I lift anyway because it's fun and I like to look good and be healthy and strong as fuck. You: >n-n-no! You akshually really lift for women, because I say so! Yes, we are dealing with some mental gymnastics alright. Post body fag, let's see how incredible "lifting for girls" has made you look.
Christian Clark
>Post body fag you do realize you're asking a grown ass man to take and post his naked body for you to support an argument on Yas Forums? who's the real fag
Gavin Adams
nope, not at all the case. You just happened to be born with shit genetics i guess. In the end, you did the right thing, whatever makes you happy. But your idea of strength and how it is built is just wrong.
Carson Butler
imagine thinking you have to be fat to be strong. holy shit lifting must have been so depressing for you. look at jonnie candito, he's lean and he's way stronger than you ever were or ever will be. there's tons of examples like him.
Lincoln Martinez
Is it cringe if I do the first one but it's for myself and people that are... not girls?
Tyler Price
if you're ruining your spine doing deadlifts then you're doing them wrong.
Carson Cooper
I guess most people have shit genetics for getting strong then, considering 99% of people always complain about having to bulk and get fat to keep getting stronger, and complain about losing tons of strength when they attempt to cut all that fat they gained off.
But of course you see a few world class high level powerlifters competing in light bodyweight classes and you assume that’s the average strength goal oriented person, when in reality 9/10 guys who want to get strong always need to bulk and get fat to do so, and always get weaker, much weaker, anytime they cut down fat.
Infact i would say you’re a genetic freak if you can get stronger and stronger at the big 3 without gaining any weight (after noob gains phase has ended)
Jason Reyes
>I guess most people have shit genetics for getting strong then Now you're starting to get it, but there's more. Your problem is your view on how all this works is colored by Yas Forums. You read about all these guys trying to "bulk" when they don't need to to get "strong", strong as in less strong than typical workouts for a high school football player. This place is the convergence of genetic trash and people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing when they train. That's why you picture people having to become bloatlords to do a 2 plate deadlift.
Lincoln Brooks
Most strength/power specific lifters are obese though....are you actually going to deny that? I mean, you have to be blind not to see that.
I’m talking overall, so don’t use high level powerlifters in
Brayden Thomas
there is never a need to get fat, ever, in lifting unless you're a heavyweight strength athlete or a geared powerlifter.
you can lift more when massing because your muscle size is increasing, your neural adaptations/CNS/all that are improving, AND you have significantly more glycogen. guess what happens when you cut. unless you're dipping below 10% and training like an idiot, muscle loss will be minimal. "strength" loss is mistranslated; almost always it can be attributed to much reduced glycogen levels, or in cases of fatties losing lots of weight it can mean all their lifts' ROM increases too as they get small, but let's ignore that latter point.
i honestly don't know where you're getting the idea that all guys seem to know you have to get fat to get strong. eating more helps if you're not eating enough to gain muscle to begin with, and is usually the go to advice (because for some reason nobody ever suspects they're not gaining muscle when they weigh the same for 3 fuckin months, hence it's usually the first advice to offer). but bulking with a surplus of more than 500 calories for longer than 3 months is literally suboptimal and hardly anyone besides, you guessed it, heavy strength sports competitors actually do it (and people who listen to rippetoe and other advice which doesn't care if you get fat or not).
over the course of bulks and cuts you will get stronger, even if it's due only to increasing muscle mass. you will be HEAVIER, not FATTER.
it also depends what you mean by "strong". most guys, fat or not, will never hit a 6 plate deadlift for example, but 5 plates? yes, that is doable. of course genetic freaks will always outperform their average counterparts, but i'm not talking about them, i'm talking about you and me.
Henry Butler
no, that depends entirely on their weight class. advanced or even intermediate light powerlifters are often jacked as fuck.
You’re taking a select few guys in select specific weight classes in the top of the world of power lifting and trying to tell me that’s the average powerlifter bodytype, when observable reality shows the average powerlifter is a fat cunt
Where do you think the “fat powerlifter” stereotype comes from? It’s not made up out of thin air mate.
Robert Collins
First of all strength and powerlifting are not the same thing. The bodybuilders you idolize (and seem to think you need to look like to talk to a gir)l are infinitely stronger not only than you but to the fat so called "powerlifters" on Yas Forums. If you lift, you will get stronger. It's impossible not to. Why you think this is a bad thing is beyond me. The real problem is that you think anyone who does squats or deadlifts at all is fat and a powerlifter. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. But hey keep dicking around doing nothing but curls and abs. If that's what you need to do to have a shot with women, do what you gotta do.
Hudson Lee
What made you think I like bodybuilding?
Literally haven’t said a single thing about it.
First of all there is no such thing as bodybuilding, natty bodybuilding is a lie, and “bodybuilding” is just chemical warfare
Nathan Baker
>observable reality the stereotype comes from more interest in the fat ones because they move the heaviest weights in the world, and that is the only somewhat appealing thing about the sport. no one cares about light powerlifters.
your image of a fat powerlifter in your head right now is an image of HEAVY WEIGHT CLASS powerlifters. it's very obvious that you're simply not that familiar with powerlifting if you believe they're all fat because most competitors at meets aren't. if you want some proof - people DO care about light female powerlifters because they have nice asses. type in #powerliftergirl or some shit into instagram and tell me if you see even 1 fat woman in 100 pics.
Christian White
Uh no, the fat powerlifter stereotype comes from the local gyms everywhere around the world which all have a few obese 350lbs manlets huffing and puffing to squat 405 and deadlift 495
Levi Martinez
natty bodybuilding has one of the least, possibly THE least rates of drug use in the world of sports, precisely because there's already a roided up version i.e. regular bodybuilding, which is much more lucrative in terms of fame, money, sponsorships, all that good stuff.
the rewards for roiding in natty bodybuilding aren't worth it and pretty much no one does it. they're not standing on stage for a million dollar prize like the olympia. the biggest (very small) shows might offer $5,000 maximum to the winner and a plastic trophy to everyone else. the cost of roids alone is hardly worth it in comparison, considering they might not win and have no income stream from it.
Cameron Cox
>natty bodybuilding has one of the least, possibly THE least rates of drug use in the world of sports,
>natty bodybuilding has one of the least, possibly THE least rates of drug use
The absolute state of Yas Forums in 2020
What went wrong? How did this place become so low IQ? It’s almost as if I’m on back in 2006 or something
Andrew Reed
again, all you're doing is outing yourself as being unexposed to that circle. if you were familiar with it, you'd understand this. bodybuilding is full of roiders. your gym rat mild roider types are all in men's physique. what i suspect you are thinking of is men's physique but are too retarded to know that it;s not the same thing as natty BB.
you don't know shit and you are talking out your ass.
Tyler Hernandez
seeliterally why would anyone roid in natty BB? it would be like roiding for a PL meet in your local community centre. this place is fucking frustrating at times
Ian Wood
>natty bodybuilding has one of the least, possibly THE least rates of drug use in the world
All this arguing. I'm that user that does nothing but yoga and laughs at all you retards who argue over dumb shit. Also Mental health/wellbeing & having a positive mindset>Shit like bodyfat, physique etc.