Running Thread

Post anything related to running. Times, tips, questions, injuries, and stories.

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The side of knee hurts like fuck after running 5km every day for a week so I’m taking 2 days off.

It takes me about 40mins to run said 5km.

Same but I didn't run as much

Did 7.5 km and 8.5 km on two separate occasions ~45 min (4 days apart)
at the end of the first run my side was hurting but I just assumed it was fatigue
the second day it hurt from the start and afterwards it was hurting like hell for one day and a half and only after 4 days did it completely subside

What can be the cause of this?
Rhythm? Posture? Sole Padding?

Just did my first timed 5km. It was exactly half my 10km PB (40mins). wtf
I did do it on a straight road and kept having to stop and turn around but I was expecting to do it a bit faster, maybe I need to do it in a racing environment

Same here, I bought one of those knee compression sleeves and the pain went away.

Anyone else perform better when it's colder out?

my right hamstring is tight as fuck and if i dont stretch it for a couple days my rigth knee starts to hurt... might be something similar with you

How do I relieve that chest burn after running/cardio/etc? Breathing techniques?

Or am I just supposed to get used to it?

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not meaning to be rute but how much do you weigh? If you are heavy then running can fuck up your knees

You must be pretty heavy if you're doing 5k everyday and still taking 40mins. Probably why your knee is hurts good idea to take a break.
What do you mean by "side" like a stitch or? If muscle related just stretch and remember to warm up before you run that'll save some pain.

My pace has slowed recently had a sore throat probably had the corona or something a while back and my shins have been a bit scuffed but i'm picking back up the pace. Goal is to get a 10k at a 5min/km average pace.

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I've been running for years and literally never had problems with nipple chafing. Buy some decent clothes people.

What do you guys use for carrying water on longer runs?

my body

190 cm
80 kg

The tendon on the outer side
I think it might be the Illiotibial band

Use a roller on the outside of your upper thigh

My hands. I just carry a 0.5l bottle with me on long runs. Well that and an energy gel.

every week on fridays pre-corona I would run 5+ miles on a treamill in around 42:30. Is this good for a 6’5 slightly above average weightlifter (225 lbs)

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It's not bad. But why not do 2 or 3 20 minute runs instead?

You guys don’t use a belt?

I would but not regularly, that friday run became kind of a ritual.

In the summer I try to do a 30min 3 mile run after every weightlifting session (5 times a week).

In the winter I was trying to get my weights up. Finally hit 225 5x5 on bench :)

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My shin splints are coming back bros, it's not fair... Any recovery tips for them?

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I have a medical question. I've never really run for cardio before, always been a swimmer. With the lockdown pool's closed so I have to run. Right now I'm doing 2.5 miles a day, five days a week. After each run I do 1.5 miles brisk walking as well. At the start of each run, my right hip hurts in the circled area of my pic. It settles down while I run and then hurts more when I'm walking. When I first started running I tried to do 3 mile runs and my hip hurt so much I had to drop to two miles and work up by a quarter mile per week. What's the deal?

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Take k2 mk7 supps. They help take the calcium out of the blood into the bones.
Youre allowed to take as much as you can spend or so i heard. Might wanna do research on that. I take 4 times the daily dose re ommended on my bottle

5km in 40 mins is really quite slow. How big are you?
Maybe you are putting an abnormal amount of pressure on the tendons.
Also check your shoes and regular walking paterns, running really accentuates any defect in your regular walk.

I can only do jogging for 5~10 minutes maximum, is this normal for a guy who’sbeen neet for the past 10 years ?

Also my knees hurt i’m not even fat should i get better shoes ?

I think I've broken some kind of threshold. Always ran 4 to 6 days a week then had to rest one day due to calf soreness. I'm at 10 days now running 4 to 6 miles a day at a sub-8 minute/mile pace. It looks like I'm through whatever was stopping me. No change in shoes, pace, etc. I can't explain it.
Don't run in sandals, I tried and pulled the tendon/ligament binding my calf to my ankle. Hurt for two days.
Warm up and cool down. Performance increased dramatically once I added a half mile warm up and cool down at a 9 or 10 minutes/mile pace.
Try to run shirtless if you can, if it's 60+F (15+C). It'll help your body thermoregulate. You'll start off a bit cold but after a mile or two you'll feel good. Of course at higher temperatures you'll just be hot the whole time.
Doesn't belong in the running thread

Tight hip flexors

Is the science behind this accurate? I think it was from a guide for trannies but it seemed sound so I saved it

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Its just the typical couch to 5k routine.

Every time I run lately my LCL starts to hurt, how do I fix this?

What kind of stretching do you do before running ?

I'm doing short runs (about half an hour), but I feel like the bottom of my tibias are made of wood. My running form seems correct but I don't usually stretch before running.

but I live in a snowy/rainy area & work full time :(

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Do calves ever stop cramping? I just started running and I get cramps a half mile in to a mile run

Just quads and calves with some lunges