tick tock, tick tock, clock's ticking eddie
tick tock
tick tock, tick tock, clock's ticking eddie
tick tock
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Holy shit he's handsome.
I hope Thor will break the world record to piss Eddie off but I also hope Thor will die from heart complications or something after pulling off such a feat
>Eddie falls into irrelevancy
>Thor stops being a drama queen (because he's dead)
Win win
>Thor stops being a drama queen
eddie is, by far, being the biggest drama queen recently
he's close to having a mental breakdown because he knows he's about to lose his record
Will he starts milking his axle press world record after thor beat his deadlift?
I can guarantee you that once thor beats his record, eddie is going to keep rambling about how it took people 4 years to beat his record and how he raised the bar for everyone
Eddie's breakdown is much more visible because of the growth of the top strongman crowd's youtube's over the last few years. But Eddie's half-serious, half viewmongering hairpulling match with Thor doesn't Top Thor's hissy fit at WSM 2017.
Between the two of them, I notice an interesting thing about Thor. He generally seems to be a decent dude until he gets angry, at which point he lacks the fundamental sense of shame about brutality that restricts baby Eddie from really being as nasty as he wants to be. When bitchboy Thor gets upset he hits viciously.
It's all a farce so that they can up their view count and subscribers. Holy shit you zoomers are gullible idiots.
And here I thought Rob Liefeld cannot draw.
Hes still the first man in history of the world to lift 500kg
Nobody remembers who came 2nd
>That fatty face
This is true
>It almost killed him
>i was pretending i had to lift a car off my family
>i couldn't walk for weeks after
>i was bleeding out of every hole
meanwhile thor will pull it and act like nothing just happened
>Life has many doors, Ed Boy
honestly i think eddie can redeem himself for being such an overall twat if he doesn't get butthurt over his record getting beaten. if he takes it like a man and congratulates thor then he looks like a chad, but if he disappears and wallows (like we all think he will) then he'll seal his fate as a faggot
The face of a man who's had sex with a man.
I've always used to be camp Eddie, but seeing what a sore loser he's going to become now made me switch sides (even though Thor can also be a sore loser).
Especially because Eddie always used to go on about how he would be the first man to congratulate and shake a man's hand once he beats his record, but now he's all triggered because m-muh competition lift and how it doesn't count like that.
I bet this shit keeps him up at night.
I think the profit motive has certainly contaminated the feud, but at least initially it was genuine. Probably from now on, all "rivalries and fights" will be completely staged. Oberst and Eddie already tried to turn Strongman into WWE
kek nice cope, everybody know who Bolt is, nobody knows who was the first to run under 10s
Eddie is a megalomaniacal, histrionic douche
Thor is a megalomaniacal, retarded, petty asshole
Eddie sure has fucked his reputation by handling this situation like an emotional retard, though. It remains to be seen whether all this attention will benefit or damage him in the long run
>Be eddie hall
>it mental illness
>tell dying mum ill be wsm
>become weightlifting psychopath
>8 yrs in going broke, breaking apart need cash for me family, n treatments
>lift 500kg for a million quid
> tell everybody get laughed at and ridiculed
>lift 500kg get me quids
>next year , Win wsm against the toughest field in the competitions history, despite whinny bitchboy thor trying to cheat
>retire for me senpai
>bitch boy thor talkin shit about me lift, whatever
>3 years later
>bitchboy thor says hes gonna lift 501kg, sure m8
>everybody believes him
>gets to do it in his home gym, AND it will be counted, reffed by webcam
>mfw home world record
>starts telling people I rigged wsm 2017 wtf
>tell'm to fook off
>everybody believes him and tells me im a salty twat and my records dont matter
>now says hes going to lift 530kg
>people believe him
>fuk'n icelander cunts
>Thor misses
>Says fuck it
>Gets the 520kg
"Yuo konw, steel disapooointed I miessed 501 killogrems"
You're not as good at reading people as you think you are. Stick to glue sniffing and drop the pseudo-intellectual psych evaluations redditfag. Thor is going to BTFO Edward in T minus 2 days. Cope.
When is the day Eddie "fatboi" Jones commits suicide?
Exactly. Even if Thor breaks the record now, he'll only be able to hold it for 10 years max. Nobody cares about the 2nd, 5th or 20th man to walk on the moon.
>Being this defensive
I can't imagine what I said to ruffle your tampon so badly. But what you think probably doesn't matter given how dumb your post is. Clearly all you want to do is hurl shit around and play celebrity flamewars, and while you might have more brainpower than that, you leave me reason to doubt it.
Don't be silly user he won't do it
If Eddie wasn't worth 40 million I'd feel really sorry for the guy, even though he's been a psycho cunt about this. He worked so hard to get where he is, and of all people to take it from him, Thor has been an awful bitch to him.
Eddie and Thor are both bitchy princesses
>Arbitrary numbers
It's like dubs in strongman
When Zydrunas did a 500lb log there wasn't 1/100th the marketing extravaganza. Eddie's 500 would mean shit in "the historybooks" without all the promotion that went into it
you are both equally retarded
Between the two of them, I notice an interesting thing about Thor. He generally seems to be a decent dude until he gets angry, at which point he lacks the fundamental sense of shame about brutality that restricts baby Eddie from really being as nasty as he wants to be. When bitchboy Thor gets upset he hits viciously.