/fast/ general - no snekman this time edition

/fast/ing general

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

>Snake juice:

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?


>any more info?

>Doesn't salt make you explode?



>Fung talks and lectures:
Dr. Jason Fung - 'Therapeutic Fasting - Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'

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Previous thread:

Can you fast while smoking weed? I know you’ll feel hungrier but will it have any adverse health effects?

weed is bad for you, why not treat fasting days as your cut and on eating days enjoy your weed. It'll be stronger and youll get more out of fasting

Why would you want to smoke weed while fasting (or at all)?
I agree with , it's probably not a bad idea and you'll be mentally tougher.

My eyes got really blurry on the last day of my 72 hour. I read online that it could be an electrolyte problem so I'll take snake juice when I do another one next week.

>16:8 fasting
>still having around 1800 calories a day
Is there a point if I’m still wrong the same compared to not fasting?

>I know you’ll feel hungrier
Man you have no idea. You can feel every cell screaming for food when you are really high if you have fasted a few days. It's an experience to be had, but not a great one.

Maybe a small bonus from the lack of multiple insulin spikes, but you could always fast longer.

Does anyone else like to cook while fasting?

Last 72 fast I did I made fudge, and then made ice-cream with it.

Are you insane?

It's a test of my discipline.

Don't you think there's better ways to test your discipline?
This seems a tad too masochistic.

I cook for my family all the time while fasting. I just don't make desert because I'm cutting down on sugar. In my heyday I used to have a mean sugar tooth but doing weekly 48s has pretty much removed most of my cravings.

my mother insists on cooking while she's fasting. she says it helps keep her busy and she likes feeding people so...
Idk, i always told her to fuckin stop it, but whatever.

You get used to it.

Huh, weird. I mostly only ever cook sweet things when fasting because of the very specific quantities they require - I don't need to worry about taste-testing to get the seasoning right the way I would with a savory dish. Agreed that it's a good way of keeping busy.

>You get used to it.
Not the case for me.
Fasting always was and always will be difficult.

I convinced my mom to stop drinking so much soda and stop snacking on chips and doughnuts all day with my fasting results. I just want her to live longer.

Can't get her to fast though.

I'm 175cm and 63kg. Is there a point of prolong fast to loose belly fat and love handles? Looks like my BMI is normal, so i'm a little afraid that stubborn fat not gonna go away and i just start to loose muscle muss which is already not that great

So im doing 20:4

I do a simple whole body workout : scoobysworkshop.com/beginning-workout-plan/

Last Friday i weighed in about 93 KG at 180cm height with 28% body fat, i am afraid that i am burning the little muscle i have too. On my eating window i eat a lot of protein, that should hinder muscle burning right? Or should i just follow daddy scobies advise of doing a strict caloric deficit but with 5 high protein meals a day? Guess ill have to weigh myself tomorrow again and see if the fasting thing has worked.

You are already really thin. You should focus on building not cutting.

There's a rare chance I have MCAD deficiency which would result in death if I entered ketosis. One of my parents is a carrier, but 23andme doesn't tell me if both have it, so I literally need to go to a geneticist to find out.

Only fasting possible for me is IF. What's the optimal way to do IF, and OMAD itself IF? I sit down and eat a meal until I'm full, then I do again in 24 hours? Do I combine this with exercise / cardio?

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Is Cole dead? did the big C get to him?

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>OMAD with about 1000kcal for four days a week, snakefasting for the rest three days, continuing with light training and cardio
>from 103kg to 94kg in 3 weeks
This is sooo easy, fasting is like unlocking weightloss easymode :)

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It's great. There's no excuse for not losing weight now that fasting has been popularized.

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Opinions: Is there any benefit to dropping black coffee while fasting?

Was going to break a fast but then I thought "I'll still be sober so why bother?"
I'll also put off watching movies because I don't want to watch beautiful kino sober.

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Quick question about fasting to lose weight, I am planning on doing 24-48 hour fasts then doing one meal when I break. Will this fuck up my metabolism? I'm trying to get myself on keto as well, that is the best diet for this right?

Keep in mind I also work a strenuous job for 5 hour shifts mon-fri and would be eating a soon after my shift.

Day 4 of my first fast and I just shit myself. Why did no one warn me about the farts?

Have you actually gotten decent results from water fasts?

a water fast is the same as a snake juice fast its just usually limited to 72h max because of electrolytes. Yes if you water fast you will see results. It just won't be as fast as some fucker fasting to the bone or doing 7 day fasts back to back. I've lost about 5kg in 3 weeks from a mixture of OMAD, 48h water fasts every week, light lifting(on OMAD) and cardio(only on my 48s) and 2 days where I was a retard and binge ate.