Ok, so here you have it
Do you really want to be healthy and fit
Sorry, forgot about Calcium
your gay list appears to be vegan. Discarded
>supplements list is longer than my current list of ingredients
>54g of protein
lmaoing at twinks
54g of protein
OPs list is retarded, be it ingredients or supplements, but having a diet with a lot of different foods is great and bragging about eating less than 6-7 foods on weekly basis is even more retarded.
That being said
Even if you're 5'4 as a man you should weigh more. As a woman that's acceptable but the 54g of protein should be upped a little if you want to make gains.
>Less than 2000cal
>50g protein
>50g fat
>300g carbs
What the fuck?
At 4000cal I struggle to get 350g of carbs and have 290g of protein, 150g fat.
>300g of carbs
What is wrong with you?
>300 carbs
>and bragging about eating less than 6-7 foods on weekly basis is even more retarded.
no that's exactly how humans live and have lived for millions of years
eating dozens of different foods is a fad.
Post perfect diet with 6 foods
>Being vegan, of all things
>That retardedly low protein count at those calories
some fruit
When season changes you can change fruits or vegetables, you don't need 30 different foods each day
Fat boy, you are wrong.
Eating proteins damages the liver and makes you age faster due to glycation and other complex mechanisms.
Most weigh lifters are FUCKED after a certain age. And bald too.
>0.1 grams of leek
>Muh TCM, yet eats mostly raw
>Ideal BMI is underweight
>1 fucking tsp of saffron every day
OP is retarded. My condolences.
>At 4000cal I struggle to get 350g of carbs and have 290g of protein, 150g fat.
Your problem is you're American.
Please don't attack me, I have no oil.
Widen your knowledge and read more than what you see on bro forums IF you care about being healthy and living longer while keeping a youthful appearance.
If you only want to get roided for 3-4 years and fuck up yourself for the rest of your life, discard this opinion.
Yes, in one meal. OMAD breakfast.
>Being vegan, of all things
Not vegan, you are allowed to eat eggs and fish (Omega 3) once a week or so (read the little text).
It's not just vegan.
Most chicken and meats are fed onions, highly strogenic corn, etc. which gets into the meat eater and he becomes a estrogenic being with the testosterone of a 70 years old.
This diet is gluten free, meatless, has no bread, no dairy (same reason as meat), and many other restrictions for a reason.
cheap food made of estrogenic shit. You want it because of the protein but you damage your liver. High protein destroys telomeres.
>some fruit
this is the most acceptable form of dairy, along with yogurt. Causes immflamation in many people
high on polyunsaturated fats. It's good for testosterone if eaten at night, but the pufa will modify your fat metabolism making yourself bald or worse
Essential Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) have profound effects on the development and function of the brain. PUFA status abnormalities have been implicated in neuropsychiatric conditions such as major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
gluten, short term carbs... this is hell. This modifies the bacteria in your mouth and gut, causing big problems in the long term. Note that before becoming farmers humans didn't use to have cavities, it happened after corn, bread, etc.
Leaves have developed chemicals that defend against mammals and therefore can cause problems for humans.
An appeal to history isn’t an argument. Getting your nutrients from a wide variety of sources is 100% better than eating the same shit everyday. Especially because the average person will get bored and break that diet. You’ve been shilling your gay little health plan for weeks and you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
are you using those spices to cook with or are you just consuming them in some liquid?
Obsessed, sorry your country got bombed Achmed
>>Muh TCM, yet eats mostly raw
Sorry, it's not raw. It appears as raw because of the nature of Cron-o-meter, the website I used. You have to cook the food. However, it's either boiled or heaten in the oven.
>Ideal BMI is underweight
No, underweight is below 18.5
It has been reported that 18.9 BMI as the ideal for young women and 19.3 for young men.
What you want is sirtuin self-repairing the cells (OMAD), a low bodyfat ratio and then muscle where it matters. You know that with a low bodyfat made of this OMAD and low calorie diet + 20 minutes of exercise a day you will get that V-shape, which is what matters.
Take into account other pros too:
>Your heart will have a low workload.
>Your ankles too.
>Very little time lost: eat once, exercise 20 minutes, no need to go to the gym. Let the food cook itself in the oven and boiling, enjoy.
>You WILL sleep less. +30% of our energy is consumed dealing with digestion. If you eat a lot of proteins you need to sleep more hours. Any fit guy knows this.
So basically, if you wake up at 4 AM, by 5AM you could have exercised for the day, eaten all the food for the day, even showered/shaven, whatever.
And you will go along by sleeping 6,5 hours a day on average while being rested.
Could save you 500-1000 hours per year (meals take time, going to gym takes time, sleeping more sucks). And you will live longer and be swimmer mode.
but it's not. Your 50 food diet is infinitely more expensive and complex to maintain.
I can literally open my fridge right now and know how much I need to buy of each item.
>swimmer mode.
Swimmer mode and DYEL are literally the exact same thing. It’s just what lean people use to cope when they don’t have any muscle.
I buy the spices.
I have a blend of spices which includes cloves, rosemary, thyme, and other (some Chinese herbs mix).
Then I have Sri Lankan Cinnamon, coconut oil, black pepper, turmeric, etc.
>more expensive
According to who? Just because you said so doesn’t make it true. You have no idea what I buy. Also If I can choose between 50 foods and you can choose between 6 you’re going to get a bored a lot faster. Also you list cooking as a con, but a lot of people love to cook. Cooking is a fun activity. So in my opinion not cooking isn’t even a pro.
sorry, but i like sleeping, lifting and cooking. it's fun.
you sound like those reddit spergs who want to optimize their life and pretend they're a machine. might as well slosh some HUELtm for all your nutrients and save more time to program python apps for your boss
>Swimmer mode and DYEL are literally the exact same thing. It’s just what lean people use to cope when they don’t have any muscle.
You are right.
If you follow this protocol you will have to settle for a less muscular body.
My advice is to work hard on the upper back, and upper arms to get that wide V shape and forget about everything else. Some legs due to hit, but mustly pushups and pull-ups.
With a t-shirt it looks amazing. Slim, fast meabolism that girls are attracted to.
No roids, no gym, no wasting time.
I’m a former fatty so this will literally never work for me though. I’ll have way too much loose skin.
Damn, you got me good, even to the Huel stuff in the past.
>54.3g protein
according to basic supply chain principles.
1. More SKUs = more waste
2. if you buy 2 similar foods instead of 1, one of them is mathematically more expensive than the other, making the package more expensive overall.
I wish I could buy exotic fruits and bison mozarella every day, but I'm going to stick with chicken, cheap local fruits and vegetables and cheap dairy