Are deadhangs good for you?

They feel pretty good.

Attached: deadhang.jpg (683x1024, 61.21K)

yeah but dont let your scapula retract

asuka a shit


post more


There are no better pictures of her.
I posted a picture of a pretty girl just to catch everyone's attention. Now please discuss deadhangs.

She’s a huge bitter face iirc

Producing power and doing work is what causes hypertrophy.

Deadhangs, the net forces on/in your body are zero, as there is no movement, and therefore you are at equilibrium, producing no power, and doing no work.

Deadhangs do nothing for hypertrophy or strength. They are a near meaningless isometric hold that will only increase grip strength by a small amount unless they are heavily weighted.

They might feel good and stretch you out tho.


Stop thotposting you fucking virgins

I refuse.

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I have minor scoliosis and whenever I squat or diddly and feel pain in my back I deadhang for 30 seconds between sets and it usually goes away. Also evidence that it’ll keep you from becoming a manlet if you lift heavy

i like her body but her face is a bit off, she covers it up perfectly here to appear cute

best girl

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Not a native english speaker, what does this mean? I know what scapula is but what do you mean by retracting it?

Most women are

look at the other pictures. she has a super cute face.

She has people to pay like ¥5000 for her patreon every month and retards like me get it for free lmao.

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Jeff Cavaliere please go

Then do farmers walks work for forearm gains

Where did you find this pic of my gf?
Did you fuckers hack my phone me and her just finished watching funky forrest and talking about Hideaki anno while I did leg lifts

So who's fucking her? Feisty gal like that wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than a hung black stud, that's for sure.

disagree. would still bang her when shes being asuka with the force of a thousand suns

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Lmao, her ‘boyfriend’ is a ftm Tranny. She’s asexual so she’s probably just with him for money, same reason she does the whoring thing online.

Fucking shit

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Is that edited or is she just really good at frauding these pics?

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How can someone make thot cosplay sets for a living and not be perpetually horny? It makes so sense.

Looks like a different girl, the hair colour is different and the hair accessories are of lesser quality.

fuck you OP you know what you did

Wait, I'm retarded. It is the girl in the op, but not the girl posted throughout the thread.

are the same girl.

the super cute one is shirogane sama

I mean it makes sense to be asexual looking at the world today. People have become so materialistic and escapist that obesity is becoming the norm. I used to beat my dick like 7 times a day when I was like 20 but now I don’t even find most women attractive only like the top 10%. I don’t think it’s a like libido thing either, more like standards of self-care fell. I ended leaving my gf of 5 years cause I legit couldn’t stop just seeing her as skinny fat rather then as a woman.

That's what she wants you to believe, dolt. Her fan base is full of betas who would neck themselves if she had a Chad boyfriend, so she gets a tranny and larps as an asexual.

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How old are you now? I'd jerk off like a maniac too and wanted to hook up with girls but since I hit my mid 20s I stopped caring about girls and I barely jerk off twice a month, I thought it was because I was getting old or some shit.

You think a chad would get with a girl who’s only source of income is retards who pay for shit they could get for free? I don’t think her having a lack of sexual drive is that surprising considering how she is so over exposed to it by being a whore online.

Chads have harems, he doesn't need to go exclusive for getting sex.

>proprioception bad
Do some hangs from rings and see me after class.

Lol well put.

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