Be honest

Be honest user, if you were to:
>not drink alcohol
>avoid sugar
>eat somewhat more meat
>eat somewhat less bread
>exercise properly
>avoid meme diets and meme exercises
would you be in better shape?

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i already do all of those so idk

I do all but the first and I am trying.
Have not had a drink this week.

>eat somewhat less bread
wtf bread is good for you unless you're a glutencuck

wtf Bread is literally one the biggest reasons for blood sickness, like diabetes, arthrieses etc.

The problem is that people think that by doing all of these tips gives them a body like pic so in the long run they get delusional and quit

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wrong, you're thinking of saturated fats, bread is just carbs + extra good stuff

>bread is just carbs + extra good stuff
read up buddy! Its bad for you, get you bloated af

so what's the real path to gains, user?

refined oils, bread and sugar is the worst for you

Saturated fats are unironically better for you than carbs.

if you get bloated, you've probably eaten too much or you have a gluten intolerance

Nothing wrong with proper wholemeal bread at all, in moderation.


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It’s not that you won’t make gains, it’s that you won’t make the kind of gains that his picture demonstrates, because anyone who looks like that is roiding, no exceptions.

be realistic simple

huh so /fit is still the most retarded part of Yas Forums, I see.

>if you did this list of things that get you physically fit would you be more physically fit
Is you stupid or just dumb?

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refined oils and sugar are generally bad, bread is fine

objectively wrong, please take your meme keto diet elsewhere

Trips wasted on a moron

no, but looking at this board, sometimes stating the obvious might make fellow anons think

wheat is toxic for the body over time! a quick google search gives you massive info on that part. literally why people are practically fat these days are cus of overconsuming wheat

trips of truth, you mean

if someone has a gluten intolerance, yes

You can live without carbs.
Can you live without soap, meats, nuts, dairy or cooking oils?

>Satan in disguise

Pick one.


the things you listed contain carbs, and yes, you can live without them

What is Candidiasis?

There are carbs in meat or cooking oil?

4chin reply prompt isnt google you dumb fuckin retard

something essentially irrelevant to bread

trace amounts, yes