Sure if you care about strength the low frequency on lifts will not let you adapt perfectly to each lift.
But what's wrong if you care about looking good?You go in,you destroy the muscle,you leave.
Why does every retard pretend to be a sciencetist >muh frequency >muh 5 sets per workout! >muh volume needs to be spread through out the week
Building muscle is abouting going to failure on high reps(8-15). You don't have rpe lol. You see anyone looking good talking abour rpe? No. You lift as much as you can in that rep range and you try to be better the next week.
So why does every autist pretend that brosplits do not work? When in fact most people that look good in the gym do brosplit?
Because I don’t have the time to hit the gym 5 days a fucking week, full body customized routines are infinitely more effective, especially with time consideration, Bro splits work for juicers, plain and simple
Alexander Moore
>When in fact most people that look good in the gym do brosplit? Many of those people are drug abusers and would get results of they just did jumping jacks and pushups.
Isaiah Reyes
Nothing really wrong with it but for a lot of people it's unsustainable time wise and/or badly programmed which leads to sub-par results
Kevin Gray
>full body customized routines are infinitely more effective do dyels actually believe this?
Matthew Watson
bruh your muscles grow for 2-3 days max you're atrophying the other 4 days you're not growing
Parker Perry
i gained way more muscle and strength doing a upper lower or full body then my time on brosplits
broscience is a real thing faggot
Levi Perez
Post body and routine
Jayden Garcia
Why does he skip chest day? Is it because he has to train so much to be vascular?
Christopher Foster
Would this guy look better if he took the neck pill and started doing super heavy rack pulls to build his small traps? I feel like I can't even tell what looks good anymore. This board is driving me fucking crazy.
Mason Baker
the most successful olympic training protocol had lifters front squatting to max 4+ times a day
Evan Bennett
Brosplit is the best split, and you're right when you say the theory is simple, you go in and destroy the muscle. Issue is most people just don't do that, they always train sub max, and in which case brosplit is no better than everything else.
Dumb as hell, and even the top natty bodybuilders brosplit as its how you get the most muscle, as well as the most balanced and well rounded physique Full body routines will only ever be good for beginners or for people looking for fitness and not muscle or strength gain. Time wise you really trying to tell me you are so busy and important you can't have a 40min gym session 5 times a week?
Leo Wilson
>Building muscle is abouting going to failure on high reps(8-15) 8 reps is fucking strength training tier you need way more time under tension platz man squated 24 reps a set
Jayden Lopez
you first incel
Jayden Morris
Leaving gains on the table it doesn't take 7 days to rebuild your muscle you can only grow so much at once
>Olympic training protocol Found your issue, and that'll get you injured and they were drugged up Uh, not really Looks a bit under trained compared to shoulders and arms but it's not small. Vascularity comes from diet, bodyfat % and drugs, not training volume There was so much wrong about the training protocol there desu Hit legs properly and see how long it takes you to recover
Juan Walker
Can you understand the difference between olympic weightlifting and bodybuilding?
The reason they have multiple training sessions per day is because their sport is TECHNICAL. Strength is a SKILL. The more you squat the more you learn the squat and the better you become at squatting. Same for deadlifts,same for bench.
That's why when you fix your technique you become better at that lift.
Why do you pretend you are athletes when you are not?Wanting to look good isn't bad.It's perfectly natural.Why do you wanna larp as >muh oly lifting >muh powerlifting >strenght
when in fact 99% of you will NEVER compete at these categories.
Dylan Peterson
rofl what then literally nobody should bodybuild because you weren't born with ronnie colemans genetics you fucking retard
Andrew Harris
>Vascularity comes from diet, bodyfat % and drugs, not training volume Yeah user sorry, it was a joke.
Hudson Bailey
i squat till failure twice a week maybe you just have terrible genetics idk
Julian Ramirez
Bodybuilding is about looking good. Oly lifting is a sport. Everyone can do well by improving how they look. Not everyone can do well by devoting tons of time to oly lifting to be sub average and jack off about how technical they are
William Morales
A leg day isnt just squats... A full day on a brosplit if you take it seriously shouldnt be too failure. You should take a couple exercise to failure, and then proceed to use techniques to take yourself past failure. Also the rep range with which you have failure plays a part for recovery and growth, which way seems largely genetic
Chase Cooper
>Everyone can do well by improving how they look and everyone can improve at oly lifting and athleticism with their training too >Not everyone can do well as you said with the first quote it's not about anyone but your own progress (: at least oly is functional in more ways than BB faggotry
Dylan Cruz
One is a very niche sport, with very technical and specific movements of which it is all based around The other is about improving your looks by adding muscle and removing fat. In the process getting fitter, stronger and depending how far you take it healthier.
Benjamin Lewis
What? You completely missed the point. Looking better,building muscle is something anyone can see.
Not anyone can look as good as pic related e.g. but EVERYONE can look better than their previous untrained self.
If you like powerlifting or oly lifting as hobby that's fine.But you come into this thread which is about muscle building and you talk your bullshit about 5x times squatting per week.
You think doing your typical strength will have better muscle gains than a hypertrophy routine.
I do not judge powerlifting or olympic lifting,but be realistic with what you will get.
Training for hypertrophy will ofcourse get you more muscle than training for strength.That's their fucking difference.
Not anyone can be a powerlifting,oly lifter,bodybuilder. Anyone can be better version of themselves. But training for muscle is what sticks out more.
Evan Wilson
well said bro
Cooper Clark
He has decent mass on his chest. Not everybody wants pillow pecs.
Ayden Brooks
Thank user
Ryan Green
Yes they do.
Kayden Kelly
everyone doing brosplit has got the best results. change my mind, /ss/tards
Thomas Brooks
So why a 5 day split and not a PPL or full body in hypertrophy ranges?