How can we fix the obesity crisis? How would Yas Forums solve it? It is obvious we have to address it ASAP...

How can we fix the obesity crisis? How would Yas Forums solve it? It is obvious we have to address it ASAP, it is already out of hand. There won't be any hot women left at this rate.

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>yfw you realize the only reason people fetishize Asians is because they're not fat

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Engineer a better coronavirus.

Purge the chuuby chasers and bluehairs.

You can't solve it without banning modern foods.

I can see it now
>Yas Forumsizens deliberately infect themselves with COVID-19
>massive gave orgy in the sauna
>frauds top the twinks
>the frauds who's hearts don't explode in the sauna die of stokes from super virus
>the twinks have no symptoms
>twinks are now the new Chads because frauds are dead
>twinks fuck fat Stacy at first opportunity
And the dominos fall into place

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I wouldn't. Losing weight is their problem, not mine

>b-but there won't be any normal weight women
idc lol I'm only interested in 2D

Obesity tax
> A 1 cent/penny tax added onto food for every gram of saturated fat/sugar/salt
Divert the money into public health, or give rebates to those who prove they exercise (tracker or whatever).

I live in a country with socialised healthcare so it would probably fly here better than the US

Dont tax food, you're a lifter likely to be eating a lot of food, fat and salt included.
Tax wont help much, what you ahve to do is chnage peoples opinions
Stop any advert or show that portrays fat people in a good light. Increase the emphasis within schools of doing exercise and not being fat etc

Or just tax the fat people directly, 1% of gross income for every 5lbs overweight, unless body comp is verified by a medical professional you can just go off BMI.

>saturated fat
Ahahaha! You're the kind of people why we're in this mess in the first place.

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Release a respiratory disease that attacks fat people.

Mandatory yearly dexa scans

every 1% of body fat over a certain amount is 1% of your wealth 'donated' to public health

Knew that would bring the ketards out of hiding.

>too much saturated fat does notcause heart and circulatory problems

Ok brainlet, enjoy your early death.

We tax booze and smokes. Makes sense to tax unhealthy food to make up what the obese cost the healthcare system.

Most fatties are poor anyways

That isn't even about ketogenic diets, saturated fats are important for testosterone in general.

Id reward people for being thin and healthy by means of tax benefits. It would also assume a significant meaning, taxes are heavy if you are too

Health insurance should also priced based on weight

Aw shit dude.

>saturated fat bad
If that's true, then why doesn't milk and eggs increase mortality in non-diabetics? Fucking veganniggers.
>tax on salt
Salt has no calories you dumb commie faggot.

>If that's true, then why doesn't milk and eggs increase mortality in non-diabetics? Fucking veganniggers.
No time for nutritional conspiracy theories. Find me national dietary guidance (any developed nation will do) that says saturated fat is safe

> Salt has no calories you dumb commie faggot.
Learn to read, said tax on grams not calories.

But how do you verify their BMI and keep it up to date? How do you force someone to go to the doctors to be told they have overweight BMI and must pay more? To be honest making people pay for their healthcare would be similar to taxing here, but NHS is the golden jewel of the UK
I disagree with those taxes anyway, and to an extent how the healthcare system acts. But I will admit you are right with a good point there for the setup we currently have. I just hate the idea of even more taxes

I'm not vegan, I eat meat or fish daily, along with other animal products. However, I'm also not a retard that ignores all medical opinion based on getting gains. Too much saturated fat and too much cholesterol are undoubtably bad for your body in the long term.

South Africa, the only one that was taken to court so far over the bs nutritional information countries spew. Although most recent medical board advice in US and UK alone suggests changing the advice on fats, cholesterol and salt consumption

Funny how the UK is saying the complete opposite.

>he believes idiots on Yas Forums over scientists and doctors

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Only if they are Central Asian, bro. Bearing strong children that will trample the current, soft and pudgy world.

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We need to obliterate the sugar industry. It won't help those who are already fat, but it's the only long-term solution.

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a lot of them are like 40-50+ so who gives a shit

do you get your food through the WiFi signal or connected with LAN

I said recent medical board advice to look at who have suggested updating the advice, so you link the current outdated advice. Well done lad.

>kill fats
>seize their land
>convert it to farmland
>mince the corpses
>use it as fertilizer
Solved obesity, property and food crises in one fell swoop

>OMG sugar, salt and fat are sooo bad!
No. Overeating is bad. Stop being fucking stupid.