Is intermittent fasting a meme or does it actually work?
Is intermittent fasting a meme or does it actually work?
why do u have a random pic of someone else's girlfriend.
and no IF isnt a meme, u know whats a meme? people who eat meat. why cant people wake up and realize a plant based diet is B A S E D.
It works if it helps you with adherence, personally. Other than that it's a meme and all that matters is CICO. Hormones and whatever else IF might have an effect on do not matter if you eat over your energy expenditure (if your goal is to lose weight, that is).
Limiting your eating window is essential for lowering insulin so that you can burn stored fat for energy. I'm doing a 23:1 fasting schedule right now and it's helping me lose weight. It's also a great way to control your appetite. CICO is king for weight loss but fasting is a great tool for burning fat and not muscle.
If you're already in good shape, I don't have any advice (I'm not in great shape).
Enjoy your B12 deficiency.
because I don't know single based person who doesn't eat meat, all of them are brain-damaged in their own way
>haha look I'm zoophile!
who the fuck cares? get new content
meat eaters be like... enjoy ur b12 deficiency lol xD
vegans be like... enjoy all the vitamins and nutrients u dont get from meat lololol oh yeah enjoy the constipation
vegans be like en
Can't they just supplement b12
Yes, if you are fat you will loose weight just by virtue of doing IF as long as you eat healthy and not retarded. If you are around 20% bf and want to cut you need to look att cico and or extended fasts to see some results. Overall IF is good for maintaining a healthy bf% and discipline, the long term health gains of not constantly raising your blood sugar is valuable as well.
She is cute af
Or everyone could eat a balanced diet and have to supplement very little or even nothing at all.
>enjoy all the vitamins and nutrients u dont get from meat
I dare you to name one.
What's it based on?
Fasting is good for the soul
Like clockwork. There's a cuck in every thread now.
What’s wrong with supplementing
Imagine her pale thighs sandwiching a BBC
That's why most vegans look like they just survived a concentration camp.
Not for you Tyrone, buzz off. You have your own selection of chocolate princesses to pursue.
it’s common sense ?
how does one get a qt gf like this?
Muscle protein synthesis is increased 1-4 hours after eating a protein rich meal. It's not bad to do if you just let a lot of gains go missing.
Your Grundumsatz (basic caloric need?) also gets lower because your digestive system works less and fuels your body less.
It works, you have to be super strict with your macros and you can't practice IF every single day for lengthy periods.
I do 5 days on 2 days off.
It works really well since I just don't eat while i'm at work.
I eat 2 eggs and down a no carb protein shake for breakfast and just don't eat until around 9 oclock at night.
Be black
She probably rides her BBC bf non stop in this quarantine
plant-based =! vegan
>why yes I have genital herpes and the coronavirus how can you tell?
wish i could watch or better be her
It helps control your appetite. That's about it