Why aren't you training for the apocalypse you punk ass bitch?

Why aren't you training for the apocalypse you punk ass bitch?

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I'm 5'4'' and bound to die anyone

Because basic fitness puts a person above probable 60% of the population. Having a gun AND basic fitness basically guarantees you'll survive.


because I know carpentry, metal work, agriculture, and chemistry.
I also have numerous encyclopedias, I could probably identify most plants in my area, know how to grow potatoes and am planning on getting some chickens.
also I'm already fit, have weapons and tools.
I'm already better set than you, you actual loser.
also what kind of apocalypse?

That shit won't defend you against the demonic invasions you book fag. Only will and steel can get the job the done. Won't even need agricultural knowledge I feast off the very fucking carcasses of the demon spawn as I slay them.

Watch this, You've been warned.

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I was speaking about nuclear aftermath you schizo retard.

I am you punk ass bitch, those swords look light as shit I bet you don't even swing heavy.

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>why aren't you trained for the apocalypse
>holding shitty Chinese made meme swords
>been lifting for 6 months tops

>training for the apocalypse
Why even bother since by movie rules you will die first anyway?

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I'll buy a ninja-to or damascus blade eventually. I'm just re-acclimating myself to the feel of a blade. getting used to the feel of a blade. Haha, fuck a sword. I used to swing around a 15lb fence pole. At that point, A regular sword will feel like a twig in your hands. Shotgun and blade are a powerful combo for home defense.

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Kek'd and checked.

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in the apocalypse you have the advantage because you can hide better and require less to eat

Why is it that even though I actually do the shit you're saying but you still sound cringy as fuck to me. I bet you're too scared of looking like a dork to actually play with your swords aren't you.

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That's only when we hang around white people, you guys always want to stick around for the bullshit and make a fucking tik tok about it.



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Lol, You pussy don't swing its axis like it's a ninja staff. Grab it by the ends and swing it like a man until your forearms can't grip that shit anymore.

It's not so much that I'm afraid of being dork. It's just that slashing at the air is inefficient form of training when done alone, even if it's shadow sword sparring, and I come off as a cringy wannabe like kairo seijuro. Now sparring someone with a bokken or shinai in public? I'd do that.

You're larping as a larper. You're not even pretending to do cool shit, you're pretending that you can do shit that only a retard would want to do in the first place. I know because I am that retard. If you're gonna pretend to be something, pick something cooler.

I'm no larper, I merely take my craft so seriously that I don't even deem myself worthy of pursuing it. But if i actually did do it, No hema or kendo champion on this earth would be able to defeat me.

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>That shit won't defend you against the demonic invasions you book fag
Bullshit, I'm not afraid of the Jews

>hollowed blade
Enjoy your chinese shit breaking after 2 hits

Man being eaten alive by zombies would be so fucking hot
I might coom

I don’t feel like it.

What is the best source of protein in a post-apocalyptic America?

>Not just getting a buckler and a main gauche if you absolutely must melee

>physical strength
>being important in an apocalypse
*clocks shotgun*

>Proceeds to die in the first week of apocalipse

>I'm no larper
ok larper

OK mr badass I will remember this and won't share my chicken eggs with you.

how can one man be so based?

also enjoy getting shot from 200+ yards beyond your effective range, clown



>correcting grammar mistakes on Yas Forums

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I'm surprised guys can even write at this board