He thinks he can beat a chimp

>he thinks he can beat a chimp
>he thinks fast twitch muscles are a racist made up thing

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What the fucks his deal other than being forced to live in a small enclosure for ever.

>be me, a wild animal
>have lots of instincts telling me to run free, mate, fight, and eat figs and shit
>get put in a box by hairless faggot twinks half my size
Yeah I’d be fucking pissed

Are zoos cringe and bluepilled?

That animal clearly has enough consciousness and presence of mind to know that metal box is the door, and that’s how to get out, and clearly he’s banging on it because he wants to fucking leave. What kind of like would take a majestic powerful ape and lock it in a box just to make money?

Other apes are the enemy of mankind

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Someone teach that nigger chi gong and yoga.

Zoos are uniformly awful, even world-renowned ones like the San Diego zoo and safari park

Chimps are horrid little irl goblins

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It's probably a third world zoo where their enclosure is literally just a bland concrete box yet their insect brain customers still come in droves gawking at a clearly depressed and frustrated animal

You said it

Systemic speciesism did this

Zoos are unironically ruined for me after I grew up. Seeing elephants and rhinos in small enclosures is weird man.

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I became more fascinated with them. Animals are amazing

People eat chimps in uganda and have been burning their forrests to clear land, so it was only a matter of time before the chimps returned the favor,

>inb4 african chimp war

literally this... i fucking hate zoos. Not even a leftist/progressist/liberatarian/animal rights person, but animals are cool in their own habitat, not in some fucking 10x10 box where they clearly agonize until the day they die so some fucking jew can fatten his bank account at the expense of hundreds of living beings...

fuck zoos man

Imagine having to deal with that shit just because you wanted a fucking monkey.

Why did this webm make me think of black people

I don’t get how hating zoos and loving nature clumps me into the same groups and pot smoking gun hating hippies. I hate two party politics.

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>half my size
You mean at least the same size if not twice as much? The biggest chimp ever was like 130 lbs.

It wasn't even hers. It was her friend's chimp who gave it Xanax.

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You mean like white people did?

Compact and powerful little fucks

i think we knew

His watermelon is late.

>when you come back from a family outing and you both have to pee but your sister takes the bathroom


I tend to agree

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Sounds like society...

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this but unironically

keto... not even once

She deserved it :^)