Why does this fuck act like fasting and not eating for 2-3 days at a time is easy...

Why does this fuck act like fasting and not eating for 2-3 days at a time is easy. I cant even do one day without feeling extreme agony and dread. What do you all know that i dont

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Work out more and use more stimulants.

This guy is actually mentally ill.

It literally is easy. As long as you are eating healthy in your food window, and not eating later than 8pm, you should wake up feeling fine and easily start a 48h+ fast.

True, caffeine makes it easier.

Also true.

get a load of this faggot eating every day kek

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fatty food addict

>believing the fasting fad
Fasting isn’t a diet, it’s a physical and spiritual exercise, you dumb fucks

>You're... wondering why you feel bad when you don't eat?

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I've been fasting since Sunday, and Monday was a dryfast. I should call you a pussy, but Tuesday was rough for me. But today I got over the hump and feel great.

Just bear with it and you'll do fine.

don't use epsom salts you'll poop yourself
t. pooped myself

how much did you consume? how strong was the solution?


Do you want to know the truth user... We all feel it. Every single person who does it feels the gut wrenching pain of your body eating itself. But NONE of us are such pussies that we whine about it online. Because we put ourselves in our situation and we should be on our knees thanking this man for giving us a free solution for weight loss. Stop being a faggot and STOP EATING FATASS.

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>went 3 days not eating
I need to be more disciplined. If I didn't have the stress of school I'd be able to do it, because I could just meditate on my thoughts, do mental experiments, and read shit I enjoy rather than constantly stress about shit

biggest redpill is that its not easy for anyone. but still its like haha tummy go brrrrr and thats when i know the tract is looking for food but its not gonna find any.

>fasting and not eating for 2-3 days at a time is easy
it is easy

standard snake juice recipe. 1/2 tsp. I think I drank it too fast, but magnesium isn't really necessary for the diet. Cole says so himself.

beat me to it. yeah, tummy just go brrrrrr OP. The thing with fasting is that you need to just keep trying over and over, sometimes you'll giver up and end up at mcdonalds at 3am on day 2 and sometimes you'll go for an extra 2 days because it felt easy

my advice in the beginning, don't sleep all night for one night. stay up all day the next day until evening and then crash out for 12 hours and you'll do a large portion of the end of a 72 hour fast knocked out. wake up and eat, but you won't even be that hungry by day 3. Also, start the first day with 100% dry fast, I think dry fasting is easier short term

It's not easy, it's simple.
And extremely rewarding too.

>be baby in modern world eating every 3 seconds
>ancestor who had no food for most of their life looking down at you in shame

Every time I see that picture I think he's wearing a Skinny Puppy shirt.

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Swimming is hard when you can’t do it but at a point it goes from frantically avoiding drowning to just a thing you can do.

Fasting lowers precious testosteronies.


>muh spirituallity muh enlightment
You speak of those foreign shitstains who've never gone 10 days without eating. Or the hippy roasties who've never gone 10 days without eating? Either way I'll watch Cole smash their heads in. If they're so enlightened why are they all so destructive? Ahmed, Pajeet, Chang, Becky they're all degenerates. So are you Christcucks.

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He dose not have one, he just wants you to break your fast and remain fat. He's a anti Yas Forumsizien discord tranny

I figured as much
Even if it were true the benefits outweigh the drawbacks

Enjoy ur muscle cramps

Not fasting hardcore, just doing IF. Down to 224 (from 246) as of this morning.
It's moving at 1 to 1.5lb per week right now. I've been cheating on weekends by eating after the window is supposed to be closed. I'd imagine it would be 1.5 to 2lb per week.

I have dieted using several methods. What I can tell you for certain is that there is no magic pill, no 'one thing' that is going to cause it to happen. I like Intermittent Fasting because when combined with my normal eating habits, it's just easier for me to do consistently. However, when I went from 268 to 215 on just restricted calorie and daily exercise (so yes, I did gain weight back). There's no magic pill. Just fucking do something.

Likely the biggest point after 2 months of IF (a few weeks don't count because I was drinking things that actually broke the fast and I didn't learn about them until a few weeks of doing it) is that I don't need to eat. And that is a huge paradigm shift. My window opens at 11am but I can tell you I don't rush to the kitchen to stuff food in my face at 10:59. I sometimes wait until noon or even 1pm to mosy into the kitchen to cook. I don't have to eat. Yes, I might have run a mile in the neighborhood the night prior and yeah, I get hungry, but I don't really need to eat right now, especially not when I have (according to the Navy) 50lbs of fat still on me.

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I have never been to a concert where you could actually feel the energy in the air. Great freaking show (greater wrong of the right tour). I don't agree with his typically leftist politics but his musical talent is genius.

>mfw my longest fast lasted 80h and besides some episodes of hunger after waking up it was pretty easy
>mfw for my next fast I plan to go 100h

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