Lifting for tinder thots

>lifting for tinder thots
>lifting for women
>lifting for anyone other than yourself

Look I dont hate women, but they are complete memes.

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>not hating women

Hate is not the way to a fulfilling life brother

This. Women are not to be hated but pitied.

>(((UC Berkeley)))

Pity is bluepilled. Even hatred would be more based. You can either love women or you can understand them. That is all.

I'm merely saddened by how far they've fallen from their full potential, is all.

>taking women seriously in any way

There's your first mistake

Understandable, but after a certain point I hope you fully realize what a waste of time and energy your pity is, for your sake bro.

Based and redpilled
Jew lies and slave mentality

Cool. Dubs

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my dudes, keep this nonsense to your containment boards.

Those are some fat titties. Tell her you want to get caught Ulster Red Handed on those jugs

>you want to get caught Ulster Red Handed on those jugs

That was quick

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So many chicks show interest in me but I can't bring myself to reciprocate interest after getting attached to girl who threw me away. I don't feel any negative emotion toward women but I just can't bring myself to care anymore.

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>I'm a garbage piece of a human being :^)
Lmao bitch, keep thinking you're being funny while uglier sluts than you get the dick just because they have some semblence of personality. I have some tinder stories if you want to hear brehs

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lmao, dude, nice. keep us posted.

Next. Wait for the bio

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>doesn't wear the anime o face shirt

swipe whichever way is no.

>Whod you steal that skatboard from?

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Based and ascended

Reminder that dating is unnatural. Arranged marriages are civilization.
All of this shit we have to learn today is literally evil: it was created by poorfag musicians so they could fuck noblemen's wives.

I would if I could persuade her to get an STD test for me.

>Reminder that dating is unnatural. Arranged marriages are civilization.
>All of this shit we have to learn today is literally evil: it was created by poorfag musicians so they could fuck noblemen's wives


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>downloading tinder
cringe, bluepilled, etc.


Not only do I download tinder, I pay for premium just so I can post on roll threads

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What a pretentious set of cock holes

Yes it is.

sure it is extremely fit to ignore your prime directive which is have offspring

You are a nigger

Reminder that black women are the only true choice for true Yas Forumsizens

Around blacks never relax

damn I swear you chinks look finer every day

Bro, I feel your pain. My detector for users got so sensitive it's ridiculous. It's so disgusting to me seeing all these taken females lusting after me since I started barbell training. Some even flirt with me right next to their partner, which is so fucked up disrespectful that I couldn't be interested in her after they broke up. I think I'll get a cabin in the woods and live a peaceful life with some cute dogs and a sheep as a fuck toy.

Look at the state of 90% of men.

I never said I wasn't saddened with us either...

The absolute state of xanex fried roastiea

Pardon me "ma'am" but I must ask, have you ever tasted the succulent prose of Mein Kampf by one Adolf Hitler?

It’s easy not to lift for females when you can’t get one

33 year old virgin here, never even held a woman’s hand, been lifting since age 24

Yes I am autistic

>Pardon me "ma'am" but I must ask, have you ever tasted the succulent prose of Mein Kampf by one Adolf Hitler?

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This woman is exactly my type

women have been ruined by technology in the wrong hands. plain and fucking simple. technology directed at the weak points of the human psyche. men too have been mentally destroyed. witness degeneration

Not everyone had the privilege to be raised by a father that gives a damn about him to be as strict as necessary. I had a "cool" hippy dad that all my friends thought was so great for letting me do whatever I wanted when I was growing up. I know now that I needed a father that set me straight about drugs back then and not some wet noodle like my sad excuse of a father.

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Other one unmatched immediately

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