Yas Forums jobs

Hate my office job and thinking about becoming a fire fighter. Any other jobs that pay well and let you work your body on the clock

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Pharma development. All forearm work and running around the room because you forgot to take shit off dry ice.

Good luck. Firefighter jobs are a scam for the public for how much they get paid vs work done. They are impossible to get though, pretty much requirement to either be a diversity hire or know someone in the department

Unless you’re in a big city on calls nonstop most firefighters are fat fucks that sit in the firehouse all day waiting for a call

The ability to lift is there at least I'm not sitting on my ass forced to scarf my food down before Shekelberg breathing over my shoulder wondering why I was at lunch for a minute longer. Also I'm black so maybe I can be a diversity hire. But it's in a southern town filled with blacks

Im a fire captain in a large developed Asian city, shoot me any qns

A lot of civil engineering, geology, geotech type stuff has you go outside to do physical stuff. Also unlike every job mentioned itt so far they actually pay well. But you gotta be smart, too sounds like you're bumfuck nowhere idiot.

UPS drivers make 80k plus. Plus 401k, pension and great insurance. Takes at least 2 years in the warehouse before you have enough seniority to go to training and take the test.

I was a bouncer for 5+ years. It's only really worth it if you're one of the main guys at a big club, but you can actually make decent money and fuck a lot of girls without trying. If you don't know how to fight at all you will eventually get your ass kicked though.

Also you have to be nocturnal, but it's perfect for working out in the day while the gyms are mostly empty

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Based and too true

Why did you take away my gym by unleashing rona?

I'm a physical therapist assistant. Honestly glad I became one. I feel more knowledgeable about fitness while also being able to help others instead of selling meme bullshit

You can have all the black women you want if you land me a job

So zero then? Cool.

True for structural, wildland is easy as hell to get into

I can get you at least two. That's one more job than you can get me

I'm a nurse, the girls always call on me for transferring/pulling/lifting patients. They call me "Mr. Muscles" and "The big guns" when we walk back into the patient's room.
>TFW you're always the first one to start compressions during a code because you can crack the ribcage
I love my PTA bros. Totally helps getting patients strong enough to get home

When you become a firefighter the first thing they tell you is, for the sake of your mental health get a second full time job because the job of a firefighter is literally doing nothing.

Get into ironwork, I lift heavy metal all day and build big ass buildings. Plus I look cool walking up on I-beams. Chicks dig it. Also the pay is great.

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It's hard as fuck to become a firefighter. Hope you have someone you know so you can game the system to get in

I worked as a firefighter for 4.5 years. While not necessarily true, it can be hard to break into. Best bet is to work at a volunteer department for a bit and then start applying to cities after you've been around for a minute.

However, firefighters barely do anything at work. This can be really fucking dangerous- firefighting is an extremely perishable skill, and when you're working a fire that is no-shit rocking and rolling, you are going to be exerting a monstrous amount of effort. Not a lot of dudes (especially in volunteer depts) take the time to work out or take care of themselves. As a result, the highest cause of on-duty deaths for FF's is heart attacks. I remember I got into a shouting match with one of our Lieutenants because he was a 340 pound blob. I was going up the ladder truck to start ventilating the roof of a building that was fully involved, and I saw him masking up and getting ready to come on with me. I told him to get his fat ass down to the recovery/staging area. He did not appreciate that. Honestly, it kind of dissuaded me from the whole profession. I decided to join the army infantry after that and it is a much more Yas Forums job.

And if you work in a big city, 90% of the calls you respond to will be car crashes or various medical emergencies.

What a load of shit. Im full time firefighter in aus and I have heaps of shit to do at work to keep me busy. And why would I want to work another full time job on my 4 days off?

This is now a military thread. Convince me not to join Yas Forums

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If you don’t plan on staying in for more than 10 years it’s not worth it. Depending on what you do it’s hard on your body and on your mind, which is appealing to some.

They all look skinny fat tho.
Must be Americans

Being a firefighter is excellent but once you get into the career it's up to you to continue bettering yourself. Anyway it's easy money and the work is enjoyable. You do way more medically related stuff than fire but that stuff can be fun too. The schooling itself isn't that hard and it's easy enough to get a job as long as you have volunteer experience and good work experience. It's nice having a job I'm proud of when people ask me what I do for work.

>convince me not to join
The military is not Yas Forums.

This job looks badass, did you do a 2 year school for it? How hard was the school?

I'm finishing my first year of undergrad. I'm in business school but I hate the curriculum and the culture. I think I'll switch to math and maybe econ.

Trades suck ass. I don't want to work around retarded hicks

number of holidays per year and monthly income in dollars