Genes are everything and if you're genetically stupid you aren't going to make it. I lift weights for my health and looks, not to be an NFL player. That guy couldn't do what I do either
Jordan Torres
Huh Derrick Rose is one of the best athletes in NBA history I wonder what his diet is, he probably eats clean to maintain such a lean frame
> "He eats Gummy Bears and Starburst for breakfast, and Twizzlers and Honey Buns for dinner. That's why his stomach hurts," fellow guard Chris Douglas-Roberts said. "We tell Derrick the whole year, 'Stop eating so many Gummy Bears and Sour Straws.' But he can't. ... Nobody eats Gummy Bears more than him."
Chad can eat fucking bags of gummy bears and party every day and never sleep and STILL be more fit than you
we are here to improve ourself, mentally and physcally. not to self hate
Evan Lee
Plenty of people roid on here too and yet none are as close to as fit as josh gordon
Adam Watson
Eating clean doesnt matter if your coath puts you on heavy doses of roids
Ryan Hill
And 99% of the population don't have these genetics, so what fucking use is this information?
Jose Edwards
>”Nobody eats gummy bears more than him” >black people
Kevin Cox
Gordon failed for enhancing drugs too, not just weed.
Kevin James
Maybe in the pros, but he attained the best physical condition he could over a lifetime before that.
Grayson Parker
if you did the amount of excercise a professional athlete did you could eat 10 bags of gummy bears and still look good too you fucking sperg
you faggots go to the gym for 90 minutes and bench 185 and wonder why you cant eat whatever you want
Austin Mitchell
>Being this much of a dyel Bro...
Joseph Nguyen
On a similar note, if you could train on the level of Michael Phelps and eat whatever you want, would you? If I had the free time, I think I'd spend it on other things desu.
Levi Evans
And your genetics is the deciding factor on how well your body responds to those roids. There are amateurs out there who use double the gear of Mr. Olympia and they still can’t get a pro card. Tons of amateur athletes using more PEDs than most pros and they still can’t get a contract to be third string.
Benjamin Wright
He has to eat like ten pizzas to maintain his muscles or else he’d burn it off Y’all are some next level autist tards
Colton James
So, what's the answer? What do you do in a world where your actions only account for a small percentage of the probabilities that determine your fate? Keep in mind that genes just code for processes that the body carries out if the environmental conditions are right.
good thing you only need to compare yourself to your previous self and not to others
Wyatt Cooper
You make the most of what little you have.
Christian Hernandez
Why not try to be the best you can?
Colton Wright
Are you looking for the flimsiest excuse not to put effort into anything?
Charles Sullivan
r9k defeatists are getting desperate >it doesn’t matter if i’m a pathetic failure as long as everyone else is too
William Rodriguez
>famous nfl player
No one on here is training to make the nfl faggot. I just wanna live a long life, look good in a t-shirt, and get laid every now and then.
>hurr durr, never gonna look like Arnold. Why even try, boohoo I wish all of you quarantine posters would just fucking hang yourselves in minecraft already.
anybody can get jacked. just stop jerking off and take iodine and vit. D if you have low test
Logan Stewart
>He’d get drunk and before every game. Yet he still is more shredded than anyone on this board. >He had the worst diet possible Because he was an alcoholic? That doesn't follow at all. You can be an alchy but still eat the correct foods. I'm more impressed he got through an NFL game drunk without dying. What position did he play?
Maybe cause no one here does it for a living. They roid to get birches or show off other bloaters here, not train cause their entire carreer depend on it
Jack Robinson
yeah but hes black and im not so at the end of the day i win