Goal body thread

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i was thinking about this picture literally seconds before opening this thread, fucking weird

Attached: 06043.jpg (839x838, 126.98K)

Probably because it gets posted everytime.
>I want to look like I ate ALL of the chocolate protein powder

Attached: 1dEr2kwl.jpg (427x640, 41.15K)


Attached: 'David'_by_Michelangelo_Fir_JBU002.jpg (800x1200, 87.49K)

Am I the only one who thinks this is really dyel

No but have you ever noticed how weird the right nipple is?

hands too big

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how do you get pecks that defined?

What is his routine? He is an absolute beast


I feel like I'll be close once I'm done leaning out

Attached: gettingthere.jpg (275x456, 26.01K)


Attached: zyzz.jpg (1078x1078, 67.35K)

that guy looks dyel

No, he really doesn't, nu/fit/ just says that shit about everything now.

6’2 210 pounds 6-10% bf. The pics don’t do him justice, watch this video of him completely mogging the fuck out of everyone on the sidewalk

Attached: AC46E0E4-CE99-4052-8670-0554C52A0575.jpg (222x493, 16.84K)

Guy is a fucking poser. Here's what he tried to photoshop himself into.
Seething faggot

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>that guy

based, zyzz was twinkcel

Attached: Konstantin-Konstantinovs.jpg (220x267, 15.66K)

u could post arnold Schwarzenegger and retards like u would say he looks dyel

Mark rippletits (the guy that you powershitters drool over): “an adult male is at least 200 pounds”
Zyzz: Indefinitely over 200 pounds WHILE being shredded

Attached: d28dfd52c4fdbe05824a253e0e2dd5fe.jpg (640x977, 110.47K)

>having abs with that much of a gut

Attached: angrywojak.png (1070x601, 507.22K)

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