How old are you? I'm 28 and I'm beginning to think this is a zoomer board now

How old are you? I'm 28 and I'm beginning to think this is a zoomer board now.

Attached: 1585446962963.webm (720x720, 1.71M)



Attached: gas zoomers3.jpg (704x904, 192.7K)

31 and yes, this site is garbage

It is a zoomer board. Every board is nowadays unless they practice strict anti-wojak gatekeeping

I’m only 22 and I feel like I’m way too old to be here. After the BLUMPGF election normies swarmed this place too.

30, i spent a lot of time on wsr and a lot of it is just some horny zoomer stalking some random picture of some random girl that looks hot

Futile waste of money to spit in the face of God like that for a stupid haircut that will look retarded in a week

2/10 would not fuck



but i'm also an oldfag (been posting since 2012)

22 brehs
started on Yas Forums then /gif/ then /soc/ now im here and only here

Noooooooooo no no no how is anything that cute

Pls be my gf
Pls be in Virginia

I'm 47 and i almost exclusively lurk.

18 just recently started using this site, I have a gf does that make me special

Being around for Jessie Slaughter doesn't make you an oldfag my guy. Middle aged at best

Get the fuck out you old man. What the hell are you doing on a fitness board if you don't lift? You a fucking faggot?

21 nigga it's always been like this. well it has for like the past 4 years

19 been here since 18. good advice 10% of the time

No but enjoy it while it lasts


Dont bully the board grandpa we need his wisdom

28, been on Yas Forums since 2008. I joined when I had a gf and good prospects in life but as time passed I started spending more time here and lost everything else. Maybe these two are connected idk

I lift you little punkass. I've probably deadlifted more times than you've pissed. And why is faggotism so quick in your thoughts? Do you dream of big grey daddy blistering your cornhole? Surely you do, you pink-skinned little bitch.

Based boomer btfo’s insecure zoomer.

You've gone senile you old faggot. Make haste and get the hell back to facebook.

what an absolute qt

This whole website is for zoomers
Our time is up user. We can only dispersal into the shadows.

19. Been lurking since elementary school. Weird enough, I’m not mentally damaged as one would assume

this was always a zoomer board, you just grew up
>le zyzz xdd
>we all gonna make it brehh
>scateboard squats

27, been here a while. Board has changed, but it always does. I don’t come to Yas Forums that much anymore anyway. Life goes on.

26 here, but feel 40

give it time