Why not roid

Why would anyone stay natty?

Why should I not run a reasonable test cycle and get better gains and have an increase in mood and energy and confidence?
>inb4 muh natty integrity
>inb4 cheating

the health consequences literally seem so minimal im convinced the average roid user who doesnt abuse obscure bovine chemicals is healthier than the average american. prove me wrong before I inject this test into my ass

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oh btw i forgot to mention im trans

>the health consequences literally seem so minimal
this is bait
please tell me with your minimal knowledge what kinda dosage you're looking at i wanna laugh

what are the health downsides of running a 500mg/week test cycle a few times a year

This man is not me. Op here and I'm trans btw

Eastern standard time

Right so when you’re off the cycle then what? You think your test levels are gonna stay that high with no extra test?

there is literally nothing dangerous about running 250mg test a week. idk why everyone isnt doing it

>half a g of test
100 mg is a literal super-physiological dose and you wanna 5 times that for 5% results and 5 times the neurotoxins and negative sides rofl
seriously need to do more research buddy

because you're then handcuffed to roids for life
meanwhile, no one really gives a fuck about your chiseledness and washboard abs

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Honestly not in the gym enough to warrant gassing at this point in my life, there was a point where i would and have considered it and if I had a home gym and hookup I probably would consider roiding through rona

PCT when I get off cycle. Or just cruise on a TRT dose, which is shown to actually reduce risk of heart disease

>100 mg is a literal super-physiological dose
you're a fucking dipshit lmfao

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*unless you're in sports
everyone on TV is on roids

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get bloodwork done after you get pinned nigger
seriously there's so many resources out there and you're spouting 90s genetic freak level nonsense

>i should take what mr olympia is taking in his muscle growing blocks
no 150mg test will be more than enough for you to grow past your genetic limit

The elites in jewlywood don’t want us to roid so that people keep admiring the roided up actors they put on screen and buy their chicken breast and broccoli diet plans and p90x home workout

TL;DR don’t roid unless you have the money for it

That pic is for professional athletes that have drug testing.

test with needles, ai and pct is not that expensive. you dont need to be loaded to afford a cycle.

as someone who's running test, deca, and dbol rn, there are a few obvious ones
-juice can fuck your cholesterol, heart health, liver, kidneys, and other bits if you're unlucky/stupid/shit genetics
-a few cycles or years of BnC is enough to shut your shit down quite thoroughly - makes ever getting off or having kids next to impossible
-just like any drug with enjoyable effects - there is an inevitable desire to take things further, harder, better. In this case higher doses, harder compounds, bigger stacks and the boons/sides that invariably come with them
it's hard to put a number or generalise with any seriousness
-all AAS can have a some/most of the following side effects on your health
-shitty imbalances in HDL/LDL
-persistently raised blood pressure
-liver strain (largely the case with orals)
-cardio/conditioning crash
-sleep/memory problems
The thing is you may or may not get any or all of these effects depending on myriad factors
I for instance am lucky enough not to aromatise heavily - I can run test deca and dbol without an AI and still enjoy it
this is cope af
if you really think your gains are 5% greater at half a gram, you've obviously never run it
blasting is not for everyone sure but if you're going to then 500mg is the right dose to start on

is permanent infertility a real concern? can you elaborate what you know about it because I nevr find much online. What about someone who has run only a few cycles and been off for years?

is test expensive in America? With a prescription I mean

Also doesn't it make your balls stop test production and you have to keep taking it for life?


Well for one, if that is your goal you don't need to roid so why would you? If you have any sort of athleticism and didn't spend your youth being a fat shit then you'll get that just by eating clean and doing a bro split (make sure you do legs) for about a year.

Pic related, me naturally.

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>a real concern
For sure, but it's entirely possible that you can bnc for years then come off and have a kid, although pretty bloody unlikely as far as these things go
People commonly use SERMs or HCG as part of their PCT to try and get things restarted, and have worked for more than a few people to have kids
It's just another risk that you are taking

Lol, you don't anywhere close to OP pic.

great now take one where you dont have a pump and you dont flex

spoiler; you wont look like you lift

Just do it faggot. All the nay sayers are just natties that are jealous and roiders that don't want other people to discover how good their secret sauce really is.

See Arnold Schwarzeneger? He has biological children. There's a universe where he never roided and he's absolutely nothing.

Living an un -nhanced life is just a scam life, with all the things working against you like environmental estrogens bringing your natural testosterone down.

yeah, he looks bigger than OP's pic

Mr. Olympias take 3-5 grams of gear per week, not half a gram.

>>the health consequences literally seem so minimal
The health consequences of going trans are much worse.
Probably a bait tho.

the mental consequences of falling for memes are worst of all