Thoughts on Chris Heria?
Thoughts on Chris Heria?
He's hot.
Imagining ruining such a great body with those tattoos.
good body but absolute fucking retard, doesn't know how to explain shit, also even if i like tattoos, his look like shit
Obviously good looking, but tats look like shit.
Lot of "occult smoke" there. Just waiting on the fire to come out.
eg. Sex cult, kids in a dungeon, drinking varbie blood for gains.
Something like that.
Did he copy Athlean X with Then X or the other way around?
Dude is 5'9 but looks at least 6'2
His tattoos actually look decent what are you on about? He's one of the better looking tattooed dudes out there.
the ones on the arms are fine but the chest and neck look dumbs imo, even for tats, the neck is a no no zone no matter what
His explanations are fine, and for someone who generally think tattoos look like shit his look is actually somewhat decent, but not amazing, although he'd look better without them. I think if you look at them closely they are ugly, but from a distance the effect they create isn't bad.
His videos are very formulaic, but it's a good formula. Definitely has an eye for aesthetics. Advice is decent. Wouldn't pay for his app.
What it really comes done to is that he's really successful and you're not.
lmao what hypocrite. graphic tees sandals and shorts? Yah okay, little bit of pot kettle there. But still generally correct. The odds of someone getting a good looking tattoos is like 1 in a 100. Even then they'd be better of without them. Women should not ever get tattoos.
His neck looks really long cuz of the tats
i dont abide by the ears or tats, but the dude is strong af and seems cool & his workouts are hard as hell
He tried to stab his baby's momma years ago. Already well known.
That's becuse he's lean and ottermode. The builtfat faggots in Yas Forums that think doing 5x5 on 4 compound movements all look like midgets.
>his explanations are fine
to be fair, its fine to complete begginers that know absolutely nothing about working out, it is extremly basic and skips a lot of important info for begginer but again to be fair people that watch him are not intrested and working out seriously so i guess for those people his videos do the job, but for people that actually want to learn, they'll quickly realize how incomplete and often incoherent his info is.
At least he didn't get a fucking fish tattoo
His tattoos look like something a woman would get. All tattoos do desu but his do especially.
Good for someone who just started, other than that i reccomend calimove,fitnessFAQ.. Etc
I use his videos for workouts sometimes, bretty gud
You mean chris hernia?
He was mogged hard by jason Genova recently.
I don't know why but i'm getting the strange sense of deja vu. Like I seen this thread and exact same posts before.
Got my first muscle up using his tutorial
Learned to muscle up from his tutorials. His videos for achieving certain skill moves are good and the progressions work well too. Not a fan of how all of his workout routines are circuit training, but I'm sure on his app they're more structured.
meh, he appeals to zoomers for the most part. good bod but jesus his tats are fucking disgusting man, how will you look when you are 50 retard?
He’s trans btw, not sure if that matters
he looks like he could deepthroat my monster dong i use magnums btw
why would you want to draw attention to your neck to head ratio?
Good example of neckpill
Fit is insecure about the strangest things.
Literal things I've never been insecure about as a man that fit obsesses over.
Nigga what?
looks like if ronnie radke decided to get fit....scene niggas would know
I agree to some extent with him:
In that I think the neck is a definite no go. The rest I can live with, and this coming from a guy who legit hates tats and thinks they're retarded. Not to say, when he's old, he's not going to regret them.
Blame the incel "looksmaxxing" community and AlphaDestiny for this.
it's not being insecure...surely you noticed how small his head is compared to his neck? and then the dude chose to tattoo his entire neck of all places.
Don't really have any. Neck tattoo looks real dumb.