Can lifting fix everyone?

Can lifting fix everyone?

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Won't know it till you try it.
Get on a good diet, lift heavy shit, and get shredded. If your life still sucks after a few years of that, kill yourself

Well would you rather be ugly and fat, or just ugly? I’m a pretty ugly mother fucker but I’ve still slayed some quality coochie from being ripped.

>I’m a pretty ugly mother fucker but I’ve still slayed some quality coochie from being ripped.

That's literally impossible unless quality means 5/10 for you

You underestimate the power of being yolked my friend. If she’s too busy feeling ur arms she won’t notice ur face.

It'll help

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He doesn't even have to lift

It's bots.

What are the bots looking for in Kenya?

BRUTAL titmogging at 0:30

It's not bots.Girls in certain countries just REALLY like white guys

Especially in Southeast Asia and Africa

food probably

Incel take

>I understand women

No but it can maximize what you have, and that might be enough to better than other people.

Saint blackopscel has made it to Yas Forums ?

No woman in the world would want a disgusting looking creature like blackops2cel and keep in mind women are even pickier, so they think lower of him than we do

Bro, do you think some woman in poorshit Kenya gives a FUCK what her ticket out of there looks like?

pic related

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Kys incel
The game isn't over unless your face makes you look visibly retarded

they dont want him for the looks they just want a ticket out of their shithole

what's the point? You can hire an escort and get the same deal

Have fun getting STDs from 5/10 women (biggest whores)

It will help

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a few milimeters of bone...

>Lower bf% changes your facial structure
>Wider shoulders and a more muscular frame makes your face look more proportional

When will you fucking incels figure it out? Stop asking the same fucking questions and pick up a fucking weight you fucking whiners. I'm sick of this lookism shit all over my feed.

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Centimeters mate, it's a pretty big difference.
The guy on the left was probably exposed to alchohol in the womb

Natty lifting will just demoralize people with poor genetics, roided lifting on the other hand.... probably would have saved Elliot Rodger.

have sex

Ugly ones don't count

again, have sex

Gotta side with my man. Sex is sex most of the time. I've fucked some ugly chicks and really enjoyed it. They don't get fucked as often and will really enjoy it, its just fun.

>They don't get fucked as often
Hard to believe that, ugly women want to compensate and seek even more sexual encounters

Depends on how old you are. I fucked a couple ugly chicks in my late teens to early 20's, and most girls are having a fair amount of sex at that age. I would imagine ugly girls have a larger amount of partners though.