Based and greenpilled

Have you taken the green pill yet? Green tea:
>helps prevent several forms of cancer
>promotes good cardiovascularity
>reduces inflammation
>supports better cognitive function
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Drink you green tea today

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Op speaks the truth.
My QT traditional gf makes us green tea every night after dinner. Usually she serves it with delicious Russian pastry. Would recommend.

Also it removes toxins and cleanses the body

echinacea tea is better than green tea

>Russian qt traditional gf

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For some reason, ever since I started drinking matcha powder every morning, I've completely lost the will to masturbate. I was literally compulsively masturbating everyday for weeks, but then suddenly the craving just vanished. I can still get an erection just fine, but I just don't really care or think about orgasming. It's been 8 days now, which is longer than I've gone in years.

I'm not complaining about being freed from my carnal desires, but is this normal? I thought this stuff was supposed to boost blood flow and libido?

>Also it removes toxins and cleanses the body

Based. Opinions on peppermint tea?

turns you into a girl, srsly

Bad, lowers you’re test.

Get on my level
I mix black seed honey with another type of honey with peppermint tea, very tasty too like natures viagra

Peppermint lowers you’re test

Just googled and saw now I’m gonna stop drinking lol Ive only had two cups so far, I’ll just have honey and water I guess

Drink green and black tea.

I've been having ginger and lemon tea for a while now, if I feel like it i might slip in some honey. Does anyone know the benifits of it? I drink it because it tastes nice.

relaxing when stressed but ive heard it legit lowers test. always helped me sleep so nice tho, better then callomile or however its spelled

Lowers test, avoid mint at all costs

I drink 2-5 cups of green tea a day, and often mix in some oolong.

I actually spend a lot of money on tea, its one of my favorite things.

We already have a tea thread up you dumb faggot.

>turns you into a girl
brb drinking a gallon of this


Best teas you've ever had? Mine is probably some special Kenyan black that I just polished off. Do not remember name of farm, unfortunately.


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Green tea definitely the most based

There's been a few. Last year there was a very specific uji kabusecha green tea from Ocha and Co that had a slight mintiness to it, but more like a cousin flavor to mint. I don't even like mint, but this was just a really good uji.

As far as my current favorites that I can link, my favorite gyokuro is gyokuro premier from tealyra, my favorite genmaicha is by Ito En, and my favorite oolong is probably tie guan yin by tealyra. There are two genmaicha's by Ito En, this is the better one. You can easily combine genmaicha with most green and oolong teas and some black teas and it adds a lot to them while being inexpensive. It also has a high caffeine content compared to normal green and oolong teas.

Try black seed honey


Based. Thank you user.

Yeah that's because green tea turns you into a bitch, Matcha even more so.

fag tier

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having a sip as we speak