You approach

>you approach
>you be funny, interesting, keep the conversation flowing
>you get the number
>you set up a date
>you be the best option for her that day
>you pick her up, spend gas
>you pay for the date, she didn't even bring her purse
>you take her home, more gas
>still lives at home? pay for a motel
>you buy and wear the condom, feminine condoms don't exist
>you get it up
>you last long enough
>you text every day
>you talk everyday
>if you don't you're a creep
>don't expect her to do anything ever or you're a creep
>you don't give her attention 24/7, get cheated on
>all of that for a crumb of pussy and a 2 minute blowjob
lifts for this feel?

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Be a high quality man and they will do this for you. Obviously not as much but they will text first and pay for dates.

Great fitness thread fag.

l'm trans if it makes a difference

>pre marital sex
that's your problem relationships should be built on love primarily not sexual attraction

>>you text every day
>>you talk everyday
>>if you don't you're a creep

>>you don't give her attention 24/7, get cheated on
It's the opposite, you moron. Needy loser who is there for her 24/7 will get cheated on or considered a creep.

>relationships should be built on love primarily not sexual attraction
how would that work exactly?

Read Game by Roosh V.


Or be attractive and do whatever you want. I never pay for women and I don't even own a car.

Attached: 1587659485054.jpg (544x544, 89.89K)

Or be attractive and manage to maintain a basic conversation and watch the rest of it pretty much fall into place.

What is love?

you just need to find a loving christian gf who abstains from intercourse until after marriage.

Attached: islandgirl3.webm (604x850, 2.64M)

Baby, don’t hurt me!

Dont hurt me! no more...

You sound like a cuck. Look, despite what women claim and will always claim ALL of them want to be dominated and protected. Literally all of them.

Just tell any girl "I am the man so I am the head of the household" and they will throw a hissy fit at first but then they will give in because they WANT to be defeated.

I am NOT telling you to be some degenerate PUA wannabe skank fucker. I'm just saying that you come across in this OP as fundamentally a beta male. Stop being that. Just tell women in their face what you really think and never back down from your position. They WILL give in. All that "hide your powerlevel" shit is bs when it comes to woman. Woman are repulsed by non-dominant men.

>she didn't even bring her purse
And you just sit their letting that slip like a good little goy without saying anything? Just call her out for it right then and there.
>Ok I guess you'll be having a water then
It really isn't that hard. Just don't be a doormat and people won't treat you as one.

Absolutely unequivocally based and redpilled.

If you don’t enjoy the hunt then do t do it simple as

You’re a sub 6’0 virgin incel

Based trips of truth, don't date entitled whores.

I'm 6'2, married with one kid and more to come soon. Try again coper.

You fags literally have 0 real world experience with women


>meme height
>bragging about marriage
>calling people copers on 4chans

Bros how the fuck do you approach women? I want to use this nofap energy to talk to this at girl at work but I'm so fucking lost.


Cells interlinked

A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked

Within one stem. And dreadfully distinict

Lmao no youre not. Youre a 5’7 basement dweller who has never talked to a female

Dude, everyone here is just a basement dweller LARPing online how much he fucks

If you want to get women just talk to them, if it fails you just move on.

Projection: the post.

I know OP is a LARPing faggot but I still want to know like how do you start conversations from nothing? I'm a social autist.

Keep telling yourself that. It's very telling that in the current climate just a normal guy being a guy like guys have been for millenia is somehow so unbelievable that it must be made up.
>N-no e-everyone is has to be an emasculated soi like me! Otherwise you're an incel!
>PS: Why can't I get a gf?

mashallah blessed thread

Sorry for being in a strong stable structured relationship with children and a pecking order. Lol, what a loser I am.

Guys have fucked outside and before marriage for millenia. The most ancient of civilizations actively promoted orgies.

Chastity is a medieval concept, and today only applies to cucks such as yourself.

I am not advocating for complete promiscuity, but claiming premarital sex is the downfall is maximum cuckage