Home (basically quarantine prison) workouts

Anons, I am asking what are you doing without a gym or any sort of weight at your homes? What are you home, scratch that, prison workouts for mass and aesthetics? Currently struggling to fooking gain anything or get sore.

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Look up Convict Conditioning and Solitary fitness

>open thread

>save image

>leave thread

“She” is a man

And? I'd still fuck it in the ass

Pretty sure you're wrong

She has been posting pictures since she was a young teenager, and she has patreon pics in transparent skin-tight underwear. Unless she had a sex change before she was 10, she was born with a vagina.

Look at that jawline and those hands and then tell me that is a female.
Tucking and editing is a thing, 'tard.

Op here, can we please talk about the subject at hand lmao

Go away OP, we're busy now.

Why do you want her to have cock so much? You on that faggy time brah?

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Looks like she'd be easy to rape desu

Imagine being the lucky guy who gets to sniff her flatulence

Poor OP, he got roped into a convo that he frankly didn't want.

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Someone post a no gear, prison routine please
And if you got a diet to lose weight during Ramadan

I'm actually gonna need the sauce on that so I can bang one out really quick


you cannot compete with perfection don't even try

Based Scoobert has the answer
Solitary Fitness was a fun read but I didn't really get much advice out of it. Maybe it's cuz I'm a retard and need visual guides for everything.

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shes the best asuka cosplayer by far

Attached: Asuka-Langley-Evangelion-Anime-Anime-Cosplay-5519627.jpg (1333x2000, 336.3K)

100 pushups
50 chin ups
100 bodyweight squats once or twice a week
50 dips
Train abs every day except days you train legs

10x10 and 5x10 ?
If I’m a faggot and can’t do 10 or 100 I do til’ failure ?

>tfw no asuka gf
which lifts to cope?

I cant describe why but girls with that face shape are fucking perfect. A little bit like Emma Watson, I think it's mainly the jaw shape idk

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I fucking hate that i started this thread for one thing to get completely sidetracked by another. now you guys got me curious is this bitch a 100 percent actual female XX chromosones and all or is it a fucking tranny.

I already gave you an answer faggot, stop bitching
And next time pick a less interesting pic for your thread

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This has a pussy guys. There is a pussy on the girl

Imagine you could spread her legs and lick her tight wet pussy like a juicy ice cream

never use a pic more interesting than your topic newfriend.

this is such shit fucking advice

Most body weight exercises like push-ups chin-ups crunches etc are too easy, You have to do a million reps to get fatigue and at that point you're training cardio endurance not growing bigger muscles

I want a repository or linear progression of body weight routines that get progressively more difficult

It's not going to be as good as barbell exercises but better than nothing

Right now I'm just sitting on my butt and doing some bullshit 50 pull-ups program, ignoring my own advice because I literally don't know where to look

Can someone who actually knows wtf they're talking about respond to this thread please

Lots of anons would really really appreciate it

op here, thank you for this

Nigga you really expect you can get gains by using purely just your body weight. Get a sack fill it with dirt and treat it like a kettlebell. Buy some used dumbells on offerup. Do some farmer workouts, go to a junkyard and buy the biggest tire size you can find and start huffing that shit in your yard. its not rocket science idiot no one ever got bulked by doing JUST PUSHUPS AND SITUPS and if they did it took a long ass time compared to even using a 20lb dumbell.

We cant make decisions for you use critical thinking and stop bitching

You get shit answers because people get tired of the same questions everyday. r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine has exactly what you want, as you would have found out if you searched google for at least 3 minutes

user here's my two cents (I know as much as the next experimenting asshole on this site) not a full routine but it's something

For pull ups, try archer-pull ups, then typewriter pull-ups, then one armed pull ups. Warning; this is heavy on your arms, don't overdo it. I currently have some muscle stiffness in my right arm.

For push ups, try archer push ups, and planche push ups to hit shoulders.

For abs, do knee raises but raise your butt immediately (to trigger abs and not hip flexors)

For legs, do pistol squats

If transitioning between pull ups is hard use barbell weights to gain more strength

It’s sticky or not sticky and I have to browse plebbit ?