Narcissistic sociopath gym bros

Woke woman calls out Yas Forums

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if this is all you can get, its all you deserve

Those types exist because it works to getting men laid
If they wanted “traditional man” they’d go to Amish country or something

dating pool for young men

-online prostitutes
-real prostitutes
-feet prostitues
-hung up on their ex sloots
-did i mention they're sloots?

>life on easy mode
>still finds non-issues to complain about

>narcissistic sociopath gym bros
well once my gym opens yeah

All the good ones are taken lmao

all the other types are also porn addicts, too

How much do you wanna bet she has and onlyfans

Damn...I kinda don't care

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>not happy with the sensitive guy
> not happy with overtly masculine guy
> not happy with men who agree with her politics
>not happy with men who disagree with her politics

gee bitch I think the problem might be you

Of that list, only gym bros get a neutral designation (not addicts, Sensitive/Woke both used in quotes, manipulators). She actually wants us she just isn't getting attention from us, which is her problem

literally all are me

It's nauseating when people make broad claims of everyone around them being toxic to explain people not caring about them.

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> being only one of these
Ngmi. I could click off at least a couple.

Dont care. Didnt ask plus youre a woman

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A sociopath would already be an emotionally distant manipulator. Fuck me women are retarded.

What women don't these days? Dark tines we're living in friend.

I am 3 of those

Oh sweet child, that is because dating is for broken and degenerate people without solid social networks. But she herself is broken, so she will never get that

take the /gay/pill, brother

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Gym bad

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To be honest I detest sensitive guys. A man should be stoic and indomitable no matter what.

666 the mark of the beast
669 the mark of the CHAD

where this is from?

user's computer

>porn bad
>gym bad
ok roastie

Infographics Channel on what women find attractive.

Which one are you Yas Forums? Emotionally distant manipulator here.

Where my "porn addict" and "emotionally distant manipulator" hybrid bros at?

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>the reason I'm not dating an attractive fit guy is because I have standards

>he isn't all of them depending on what the situation calls for

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fucking kek

so what do normal people do? get married immediately?

>have a 4.7 inch dick

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link pls

What kind of situation does the coomer excel at?
