ITT Post the most brutal mogs you have in store

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only height tho screamin a is a total tard about mma

sometimes joe is cool - then you see hes a super insecure manlet - obsessed with fighting and weapons when he lives in a mansion in a gated community

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Hemsworth is very good looking guy, but when you put him next to Henry, holy fuck. Hank is near perfect.

Stephen A Smith is an absolute brainlet.

Nigger BTFO

They both look terrible.

Who's mogging who?

Dude finessed professional shitposting into being the highest paid sports analyst in ESPN history. Doesn't exactly scream brainlet to me.

You are a homo aren’t you?

Taylor is an Angel ill kill you

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holy shit the two white girls look like meth addicts lol

yeah - for a brainlet he's doing quite well for himself lol

>No curves
>Bad skin beneath the makeup
>Dull unhealthy hair
>Altered lips
>Spic noses
>Dead cow eyes

You are a kike or an unironic beta incel, aren't you?

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Normally Chris seems like a refined guy, but this pic screams CRIKEY M8


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Oy who are these sheilas?

He is a screaming retard about everything. That fucking nigger never shuts up and everything that comes out of his mouth is idiotic.
Hi, Moshe!

Right actually looks significantly worse with make up on

god i hope this is fake

I really, really, really, really like this image.

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Nice stache

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