Do you think virginity makes men stronger?

Do you think virginity makes men stronger?

Attached: virgin dragon.png (454x482, 245.93K)

personal anecdote, but, no.

When it is not directed at thirst or simping.

kiryu is too pure for thots

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If they're not ugly, yes. True volcels are pretty Chad. You can tell when somebody is a "volcel" but would jump at the first chance at coochie they got.

How do I take on multiple armed thugs solo bros?

You're not a real man until you've gotten over a heartbreak. That's when the real redpilling begins

fucking THIS

True. You honestly become more aware of how people actually are

>advocating heartbreak
was going to call you a faggot but I wouldn't have all of my gains, had I not been completely fucked over by my whore of an ex

Yikes. No wonder she left you guys.

>implying she left me
M8, I beat the shit out of that whore and threw her out. Who the fuck gets dumped by a slut?

What does this stand for?


Hello virgin.
You’ll eventually understand what us big boys are talking about, I’m sure. Until then, eat your fucking veggies

Voluntary celibate, as opposed to INvoluntary celibate (incel)

Ok boomer

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This actually goes back to Confucian beliefs. Chastity, as least of mind, is very important to the male hero. If you look at any of the older heroes in Chinese or Japanese classics, they're generally autistic about fighting, poetry, and training.

Virginity itself? No. The discipline to abstain and disregard sex entirely? Yes. But not because of the lack of sex, just the discipline and putting that energy to use training.

no japan just has a different culture. sex is frowned upon in japan.

Definitely not and the vast vast majority of male virgins are weak in every day

This. Woke me up from this "true love" bullshit

Based boomer
Cringe kys

Haruka is a stupid fucking whore. Way to waste T-Set's fucking dreams, you dog abandoning cunt.

You mean being a pussywhipped little effeminate bitch? No thanks nigger, I'd rather stay a virgin the rest of my life.

Do you think this thread belongs on Yas Forums?

>tfw you accidentally open fit instead of r9k

Nothing more accurate.


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