I tried befriending a female from Reddit. She stopped responding. What did I say wrong?

I tried befriending a female from Reddit. She stopped responding. What did I say wrong?

Attached: conversation_with_a_femcel_part_1.png (964x815, 50.39K)

Attached: conversation_with_a_femcel_part_2.png (943x862, 50.66K)

not "female" but "femcel"

Holy kek


Based and 'tism-pilled
Roasties eternally BTFO'd
You did nothing wrong, user

You didn't do anything wrong. She's sounds like a fucking lunatic.

You need to ask her to post body user

Idk man, she seems crazy. You seem totally 100% normal. Maybe women are just stupid.

>act like a psycho
>surprised when someone says you should get help

>>act like a psycho
What does make me look like a psycho here, in your opinion?

u forgot the most important stats bro

dink stats, probably why she stopped replying bro

user you forgot that the female brain doesnt react logically, but on emotion. you appealed with statistics about yourself, it did not compute.

Please go back.

You sound like an alien trying to learn how to have a conversation

Attached: 1588194386645.png (1920x1036, 2.07M)

You brought out autistic facts when women cant comprehend numbers. Just talk to them like a cave man "unga bunga see my pecs, you like?" And you will have better success communicating.
Good luck!

You're not submitting a fucking resume dude. When you try to make friends with someone, you should do it like you're having a conversation with them in real life. Shoulda left out the "specs" part of your introduction, and also, since she was a redditor, used the word "woman" instead of "female." Redditors are pretty neurotic about that word. In general, you were too serious, and the whole specs shit is autistic as fuck.
In general, don't talk to women about measurements, genetics, desirability, or anything else that gets discussed on incel forums. That's not what they care about. Not consciously anyway.

Not sure what's worse, OP's obvious trolling or this cunt's virtue signalling and playing dumb

You should have stopped at your first sentence, which was still odd but passable. Maybe added what country you’re from. Then let other person respond. It’s just too much info up front.

Lost it at the hairline stats in your opening salvo

If you were 6’1” you would have been received better

>can you be my female friend?
>here's a paragraph describing my "genetics"
>what do you mean that's not a good icebreaker?

Yeah OP, test this. Tweak your specs and see what harvest better responses.

I can see what you mean. Can you please provide an example of a less autistic opener?
What themes are appropriate to discuss with a female stranger from Reddit?

Leave out the part about the famine, shes fixating on you being poor instead of focusing on your genetic traits

It is not that psycho. Yeah it is awkward, but I still would have been interested in the story of the famine and also what the reason is why he thinks producing specs is a good idea? So enough to just talk about.

You were nothing but a cheap validation machine to her. Stop giving free attention to these damaged goods women

>Hey how are are you holding up with this quarantine?

It's only an example. Better to not say much and just find something you have in common you can relate to and discuss. Find out her interests, ask what shes been doing for fun lately and see if you click

specs LMAO.. Are you a commodity to buy OP?

I agree with her response you sound like a literal retard sending that, cut down on the measurements you only need height and weight (or better yet, none at all, send a picture if you message back and forth for a bit) and cut out the stuff about making a female friend, just say you want to be friends or if you're interested in a relationship say she is interesting and you would like to get to know her better