PPL is King

There is no reason to not do PPL. It gives you the best gains

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Alternating between push and pull every other day + legs everyday godtier

PPLPPA[rms]C[alisthenics] reporting in

>low frequency
>high volume
>arbitrary cut off (chin ups, deads, power cleans, ...)
>doing a whole day leg only
Aside from once a week brosplits and machine splits it's unironically and objectively the worst programm

Nice chicken legs

PPL is retarded. Doing your bench presses and shoulder presses on the same day is dumb as shit. Once you hit one of them hard you'll be too tired to hit the other hard enough. This will lead to separating chest and shoulders into different days which at that point you might as well do a traditional brosplit.

Back (DL here)
Legs again

The six day bro split is king

Yup and I don't care

First push day of the week, focus on chest with a few sets of shoulder pressing, second push day focus on shoulders with a few sets of bench. How hard is that

If you only press twice a week you'll have sub optimal upper body gains
nothing wrong with benching and pressing in the same day; what matters is the fatigue you induce, not the level of relative intensity


>Calve raises

>what matters is the fatigue you induce, not the level of relative intensity
These are the people defending ppl

>what's wrong with training high intensity only once a week. it's not that hard

Post body

You really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?

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>These are the people defending ppl
the first part of my post was criticising a ppl you fucking retard
>what's wrong with training high intensity only once a week. it's not that hard
volume is significantly more important than intensity

post body

why? what I'm saying is not controversial or something you should disagree with

Arnold split>

>low frequency
6 days a week and working every muscle group twice per week is not low frequency
>high volume
Which is how you make gains
>arbitrary cut off (chin ups, deads, power cleans, ...)
Don't know what that even means
>doing a whole day leg only
That's why you do abs on leg day

>6 days a week and working every muscle group twice per week is not low frequency
frequency is not how many times you work out a week total, it's just many time a muscle or movement is worked. 2x a week is average frequency

been doing push/pull 3x/wk ever since i decided i was a geezer
do trap bar deads on push day and maybe something like a hack squat or front squats and you don't need a day for legs in the rotation. legs count as push for all but hamstring curls
easily the best workouts. but i would not recommend them, depending on your goals, for anyone who is young, doing athletics, or bodybuilding. perfect for efficient maintenance though

Ok show me a program that hits every muscle group more than 2x a week then

oly lifters squat every day

squat onto a needle lmao

>everyone throwing around their dumb opinions
>nobody posts body

How about any 3x a week program?
Here's a 4x a week program

PPL cucks btfo

That's 1 muscle group

That program is a joke

PPLxPPLxPLS stop fighting!

Can PPL be good for women aiming to gain thigh and booty mass?

Holy shit, a thread not about lifting for women or some introspective downward spiral.
Well done OP.

PPL is an arbitrary way of scheduling the training week
it has 0 bearing on human physiology
the most common sense way to train is to train most of your body everyday, and it just so happens to coincide with le based science

>doing the reddit routine

It's fine if you do literally no other physical activity, but if you pay any sports or want to do a decent amount of cardio (and no, 10 minutes of half-arsed "hiit" a week doesn't really count), your probably going to struggle doing in 6 gym sessions a week as well. Not because of exhaustion or anything, just because of the time demands. Unless you're a neet or a student, which is probably 90% of Yas Forums, hence it's popularity here.

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Are you sure?
It was written by a very respected person who has had a lot of success with coaching

>train most of your body everyday, and it just so happens to coincide with le based science

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Literally any full body program

I don't know. Shut up.

>No Deadlifts

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your body doesn't work in weekly cycles, it works in daily ones

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What is this, a threat? You rigged my house up with dynamite?