How do I stop my elbows from extending out from my sides too much during an overhead press?
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After i've worked out/gone for a run my face looks way better cause i've got rid of the water weight (I assume)
So, will working out in the morning keep my face less bloated for the rest of the day?
Is skateboarding HIIT?
Can I make it HIIT-style?
I really like skateboarding but I usually do 2 hour long sessions and I notice I feel really lethargic and down afterwards, probably my cortisol shooting up and fucking up my T.
I'm also working on getting bigger, bulking and doing bodyweight shit at home while lockdown.
I want HIIT-style workouts to do on off days to improve my T and all the shit that comes with it.
So, any ideas? Keep up the skateboarding or reduce frequency? Or do shorter more intense skate seshs?
do LISS if you want to bulk and try to limit yourself to 2-3 times per week. Otherwise go for the leangains method which can take more time but offers similar results.
if you want to make skating HIIT, start learning tricks instead of just cruising around.
I'm doing Starting Strength, but I'm also obese and trying to lose weight. Do I still add weight every session or do noob gains disappear?
lower weight on the bar until you can achieve proper form
follow the program as best you can, add weight when it tells you to
I've been cutting for almost 2 months and I've begun to crave food CONSTANTLY in the past week or so. I have a refeed meal about once a week and thought that would have helped keep cravings to a minimum but now I'm just miserable all the time. Thoughts?
I'm doing a lean and clean bulk, low carbs, high quality protein.
>start learning tricks instead of just cruising around
i basically just just to learn tricks over ledges and high effort shit like that, pretty much just cruise to the spot of choice
thanks for the input mate
where's that pic from OP? its cool
Gonna get into this once gyms reopen in an attempt to lift above lanklet status. Books like this aren't like a joke or anything right?
>start having panic attacks in quarantine
>get on prozac and start feeling normal again
>now because its an SSRI, I don't feel horny lately
what the fuck do I do? anybody have experience with this shit?
I was just about to ask if any of you faggots had even the slightest idea what it was referencing.
looks like some brad neely shit
>>get on prozac
not going to make it
if your bench stalls, just add more frequency/tricep accessories
bench press can increase even on a slight cut for intermediates
First don't take the Prozac.
Second, if you had a panic attack you most likely have a lot of underlying anxiety, a constant gnawing anxiety that isn't immediately apparent to you.
You had the panic attacks in quarantine because your normal routines which distract you from the anxiety, im assuming, has been completely upended.
With this extra time, and without your normal distractions this underlying anxiety surfaced and you didn't understand why or where it was coming from so you panicked.
Next time, listen to your anxiety and recognize it for what it is. That anxious emotion is important. It's your subconscious desperately trying to tell you something.
What that something is, only you will know. Explore your anxiety. It drove you to the panic attack, and there's no need to use a drug to manipulate or dull a completely natural emotion like anxiety
It's Jean-Jacques Rousseau fighting against Hobbes Leviathan mimicking this fight scene.
They're a meme.
Go on a proper program. Barbell Medicine has a nice beginner template, or you could do stronglifts for a while.
How about reading the sticky on Yas Forums?
Nevermind, bros, I'm retarded.
How many pushups should I be able to do at once? I give out around 25-30 and usually do around 100. I want to work up to handstands but dont know if I'm ready to move to an incline.
Anyone tried bulking on high carb/low fat and bulking on moderate carbs/moderate fats?
What were the biggest differences considering same kcal consumed?
6'0" 180 lbs, probably ~18% bf
Currently doing
With 5x5 barbell curls thrown in each day
Would it be a good idea to add dumbbell tricep extensions anywhere in this or should OHP/Bench cover tricep strength gains for now?
I ask because I've got rib flare and wide hips so my upper body is fucking twink body but my lower body is literally built for gay anal sex and I'm tired of it.
I've done both but prefer to keep carbs/fats about the same ratio. I tried bulking with the "hit protein and calorie goal and fill in the rest with whatever" mindset but found my libido was dropping. Upon further investigation of macros, it seemed like my carb ratio was almost double what my fat was. Upped my fats and lowered carbs to roughly even amounts and it seemed to help. Might have been placebo but idk. Anyways, everybody is different...try them both out and see what makes you feel better (if any difference at all).
user I don't think it works like that, but I do know that if you dont eat a fuckton of sodium then your face will be thinner
how many times a week do I need to workout my abs
also I've recently been working my ass off and go untilfailure in my workouts but I'm not sore the day after, am I not going to get any gainz?
user cutting usually isn't very fun and it's just a sacrifice you have to make unfortunately, just think of the results, that's what helped me in the past
eh you can find everything you need online and even the sticky user don't pay for that shit
you're Yas Forums in my book if you can do 50 at once
Does it really matter to workout while dieting if you end up losing muscle anyways, can't you just start when you're 8% bf
Alright bros it's time to buy some barbells and a bench with a rack.
I'm willing to spend up to around ~$700, but I'm flexible.
Anyone have any suggestions? Been looking at Amazon but having some trouble finding both a weight bench and a barbell rack that go well together.
Based fellow philosopher Yas Forumsizen.
Why Rousseau and not Locke? Even Jefferson.
Dyel here. I finished my cut around Christmastime. Since then I’ve been eating at maintenance but have been gaining a fraction of a pound each month. Is this noob gains or am I just getting fat?
if weckingball can look that good skating everyday you can too