Realistically speaking what can I do here? I can lift all I want but the face won't change

Realistically speaking what can I do here? I can lift all I want but the face won't change

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You can be a fat fuck with a busted face or a fit dude with a busted face.

it's all about the face with women :(

>muh wimmin
Don't bother.

For one thing you WILL get non-zero facial gains around the cheeks and chin/neck.
For another, you're too harsh on yourself. Just because you're not Chris Hemsworth doesn't mean you're a lost cause. A good body will go a long, long way to complement your smile.

It's not all about women but I want to have a girlfriend at some point and it's impossible if they won't even talk to you

Start by cutting that stupid fucking retarded hair

You're fucked. No amount of coping through fitness is going to change that.

Try looking less autistic, exercising regularly, have a good diet, interests, group sports and a career.

Nothing wrong with your face really

Would you rather date a fit girl with a mediocre face or a fat girl with a mediocre face?

You're ugly af

>neglects every part of his physical appearence

Between your face and the self-worth you currently have, I'd take the face

The duality of a man

face is fine just lose that weird smile and get a fade haircut

Go full comando, shave head, roid, be paranoid about stuff, scream at Family and neighbours. At this point it doesnt even Matter anymore.

Cut your hair and become Romania's Prime Minister yet again.

Attached: images.jpg (258x196, 6.63K)

Cheekbones and jawline don’t come out until you get shredded fucko, stop bitching this board is fitness, if you wanna cry go back to your bucket with the rest of the crabs

where did you get the idea that lowering bf% doesnt affect your face?
start losing weight and get a haircut. you will wish you had started sooner, so start now.

Change your hair, immediately. Get contacts.

You also dress like shit

fuck off

Talk to /fa/
Get contacts
Don't smile like that and/or avoid smiling. Untuck your lower lip
Actually comb/brush your hair into a style you see online or just cut it
Lose weight so your face isn't so chubby

Face would be just fine if you cut your hair/ styled it in any way other than the current bed head mullet. Got new glasses or cleaned the old ones because it looks crusty right now. Got better clothes. And worked out

not an argument

>mass replying faggot
if this is op, feel free to kys yourself on your way back to Yas Forums

How about you fuck off autist

>replying to everyone
Stop being an attention whore faggot

>Talk to /fa/
absolutely not

You look like you smell bad.

only if the smell was the problem

You scare me