I work as a graphic designer

I work as a graphic designer
and since chinese aids happened
i've been forced to work from home
the problem with this is that i also play in front of my computer, which i also use for work
In the end i spend almost 16 hours in front of the computer

What happened because of this is, that i started to have chronic back pains while walking which hits up my thighs

the pain is horrible since it slows down my mobility and i sweat while walking

i haven't even put on any weight.
it dissapeared over time while walking two weeks a lil bit on pain reliefers, but the pain got back to me when my homies asked me to help them move some furniture

Now this is unbearable

help fit

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>chinese aids
im fucking cackling ive never heard it called this and i even frequent Yas Forums

Bros, I'm downloading that new cowwadudy:modern warfare (2019). holy fuck i did not know it's literally 202GB. what the fuck. i'm a 30yr boomer so i still remember how WC3 the frozen throne was 512mb

Attached: the chad boomer.webm (640x800, 1.48M)

Sit better in your chair during work and stop playing games for a while.

i can't take it any longer i'm gonna scream. i just wanna run around with a sks and shoot fools in TDM

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Dood I remember pirating original doom off my friend by copying the installed game using floppy disks. Took about 30 disks

Desk job and internet addict here. I have the same problem, but more catastrophic with slipped disks every few months. Chairs are the devil and corona is fake and gay.

Buy an aeron

warzone is dope AF

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Stretch your hamstrings, they are probably too tight from sitting all day and force your lower back to do the work

Homegym and then deadlift. Cope all you want this will fix it better than any "stretch."

Is kpop literally softcore porn?

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>then deadlift
wrong. If you jump into deadlift with super tight hip flexors and hamstrings you risk loading all the force of the DL into your lumbar. Walk around the block a few times and do some bodyweight squats AT LEAST before deadlifting at working weights.

Holy shit
Trips of the coomer

checked. i thought warzone was gonna suck ass just like the new BF5 BR mode but it's actually really fun. having the loot crates "hum" really speeds up looting and the weapons feel different enough so there is incentive to care about loot w/o also bogging the game down.

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play less videogames

>play less videogames
No gym, wtf else am I supposed to do?

all you would have to do is just take 1 finger and move the fabric over a little bit and enter right in. I want to go to a karaoke with a korean qt and do this in the room

go for a very long walk. itll help you think about what to do

>I work as a graphic designer
Why do all graphic designers introduce themselves like this? My friend as well as other graphic designers literally says this to all new people.

>no anime HDR
>season 2 pass had ghost, i don't need anything else

Yeah no need to buy anything else now

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is this from a game? I am assuming its from some porn?

It's from a cutscene in Warzone

it's from the intro cutscene in warzone. there's a mod you can download if you want to skip it

Call of duty?
uhh what

Lets see:
>Switch chair with gym ball
>Do the wrestle headstand arch thingy every hour
>Do a few pullups a day

Eat in a surplus of calories
Start lifting and focus on back
Deadlifts, pullups, bent over rows
Strengthen your back and focus on your posture when standing or sitting
Just this alone is a workout. If you pull your shoulders back for an entire day they will be sore, if you have bad posture
You need a stronger back, not pain killers.
I remember when I was a skinnyfat with no muscle, I would wake up with kinks in my back that would make it so I couldn't get out of bed.

try yoga

The only correct answer in the thread. Get a good chair and sit in it with good posture.

stop playing vidya you retard, get up and be active

This and start swinging a 20kg kettlebell

oh i liked kpop now