Urine gains

I've been dirty bulking for the past 9 months and I gained 21kgs in this time, mostly muscle and some fat. Despite being very muscular my diet is fucking garbage and mostly junk food and sweet shit and for the past week or so my piss smells of maple syrup/white chocolate, its a really delicious smell but idk what caused this sudden change, is it just my body getting used to more sugar being thrown at it and adapting or is it just a natural thing if you're a big guy?

Attached: IMG_5134.jpg (3024x3024, 1.67M)

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Isn't sweet or sugar smelling pee sing of high blood sugar?

Are those frozen bricks of cookie dough?

fudge maybe?

>gaining 21kg in 9months
>mostly muscle

Attached: Cv041hgVIAA5zq.jpg (949x945, 58.31K)

Nah it's normal don't worry

Unironically might be prediabetes. Cut back on the sugar for a while and see if your pee goes back to normal.

If your urine smells sweet, you are likely pre-diabetic. Potentially fully type 2 diabetic. Enjoy living to 50, hope your fatty 'gains' were worth it.

Its definately not diabetes, only people on my dads side have diabetes and its carried in the maternal gene or something, my bodyfat percentage is only 28% too not like 40

Post body/ before and after pics
It sounds like you're prediabetic at the very least though

This is either bait or the sugar has rotted away at your brain. Either way kys

>21kgs in this time, mostly muscle
lmao, unless you roid, keep believing that fatso
also, you're already insulin resistant and have got diabetes on the way

Try a sip of your pee. If it is sweet, you definitely have the beetus bro. Sorry to break it to you.

Either you're baiting or you don't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 beetus.

There are a few different possibilities but the most likely really is diabetes.
Get tested, man.

Shut up moron, I asked a genuine question to see if anyone else who actually lifts and doesn't look like a dyel while wearing a shirt has the same experience
Ever heard of beginer gains? most people just dont train and eat like they should and they run shitty programs thats why they look the same month after month year after year

I have bad news for you bro.


>If untreated, maple syrup urine disease can lead to seizures, coma, and death.
assuming not bait then rip in piss OP

20 pounds of contractile tissue on gear in 9 months is incredibly good/damned near impossible. You can gain twenty pounds of Lean Body Mass, but it won't all be muscle a very significant portion of it will be increased glycogen storage

Only infants get it no?

see a doctor. this isn't a Yas Forums problem bro.

unironically you have diabetes

type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease fucknut

Damm those look so fucking tasty

Attached: 1478524276580m.jpg (546x1024, 58.48K)

type 2 diabetes doesn't come from genetics bro, it's from eating sweet food. you have diabetes.

see a doctor now.

I used Pea Protein for a couple weeks,,, just to see how it worked.
All of my excretions (solid and liquid) reeked of ammonia after 1 week.
>I kept it up though just to prank peeps and not flush

>9 months and I gained 21kgs
>mostly muscle

>has been "dirty bulking"
>4x 5.5oz sour patch kids daily

Mirin. Please teach me how to gain 50 fucking pounds of muscle in 9 months.

Its not fucking diabetes I'm not that fat, my physique basically look like 30% in pic related, I'm not a fucking fatty with diabetes just well built with some fat

Attached: bfpchart.jpg (1600x1378, 271.05K)

>Its not fucking diabetes I'm not that fat

diabetes is unrelated to weight. you have diabetes, because you've depleted your insulin response by eating too much sugar.

you can actually be straight-up skinny and have type 2 diabetes.

You need to go to the doctor, now. We're not trying to make you feel bad or something, this is a serious issue, and you need to go to the doctor. This is a slam dunk diagnosis, I can do it from here and I only have a bachelors degree.

You will need to do ketogenic diet for like a year and you will reverse the diabetes and restore the ability of your pancreas to create insulin.

30% is fat. Its the beetus.

>9 months and I gained 21kgs in this time, mostly muscle

Attached: 1569258428398.png (904x401, 646.15K)

What coping fatass made that chart?

Bump up every BF% on that chart by 3-5% at least lol
30% bodyfat is obese
You're just not morbidly obese yet