Holy shit, this board is officially dead. It’s BEEN dead since around 2017 but it finally actually set in for me...

Holy shit, this board is officially dead. It’s BEEN dead since around 2017 but it finally actually set in for me. There are like 2 threads up about playing with your cock, one is nearing its bump limit the other has about 50 replies. I’m not saying you posters in those threads are faggots, this is about the jannies. I get banned for making a fitness related thread, about the reasons to lift and why we lift, yet some Mr. dickcheese mcdoogleson makes a thread about some odd contraction he built to attempt to grow his winkie whacker and it’s fine while simultaneously there’s a thread about anti fap guys arguing with coombrained kikes telling them to watch porn and beat off.

Imagine doing a job F O R F R E E and yet being so hated by the community because you’re that bad at it. I would imagine contributing so much time to being a janny would make it your pride and joy, like it’s the only thing you’ve got going on your life, and yet you’re garbage for it. Just remember jannies slit your wrists longways and not across when the time comes.

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No, coffee is bad for you

>about the reasons to lift and why we lift
You may have had a point there, but this statement completely invalidates it. "Why do you lift" threads are trash that only encourage people to post whores or argue about lifting for themselves. They are used by the spammers who have taken up residence here to destroy this boards quality even further.

Dude it was literally about why lifting for whores is garbage and to post real reasons to lift pic related

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You ignored the part about the spammers. The jannies are niggers but there has been a dedicated group of spammers that moved in about 2 years ago. They constantly make bait threads that are off topic or vaguely related to fitness or the board culture. Sometimes the jannies do their job and delete those threads, but 3 more instantly pop up.

So essentially legitimate fitness and health progressive threads are getting caught in the cross fire?

I’m not so sure it’s dedicated spammers, I personally believe it’s a constant influx of incels from Yas Forums and Yas Forums who come here thinking they’ll just get swole and turn into a chad, they realize it’s harder than they thought (gaining muscle and getting healthy isn’t actually hard it can just take time) so they give up, but instead of leaving they stay here to shit post and bucket crab.

>about the reasons to lift and why we lift
You mean one of those image dumps of random thots? Hardly fitness related either.

Scooby gay? Wtf lol

No like actual reasons and I specified that lifting for thots both doesn’t count and is not a real or sustainable reason to lift see here

No they are a reddit/discord group who have admitted to it before. They use textbook Yas Forums and incel bait and all have similar posting styles. They started the coomer shit as well as soijak posting. Someone taught them how to change their ips so they run circles around the mods and ban zones. I don't know if they're paid to do this or if they are just on a "destroy ebil 4chins" crusade. Just look at the catalog. It's mostly simple question threads with instawhores attached, soijak posts, or blatant inflammatory statements.

But why attack a health and fitness forum, instead of an ideological board?

I’ll admit that’s actually pretty funny, but at its peak this was actually one of the greatest boards. It’s legit too late, they could cease all that shit right now and this bird would only continue to get even worse. It’s like they’re too unwilling to change and stop being fat and weak so they just HAVE to come and destroy this board to stop others from actually bettering themselves under the delusion that “haha it’s for keks just for my cheap keks Haha what I’m not bucket crabbing ahah”

I agree with you OP
I make threads about lifting and get 2 day bans yet these faggots can post off-topic shit and it stays up

Probably because this: Bucket crab mentality. Too mentally weak (In other words stupid) to make changes and better yourself? Better stop others from pursuing what you cant

If you browse other boards (/lit/, /his/, /sci/, etc) you will see similar trends. Increase in bait threads, little quality discussion, less people interested in the board topic. They are trying to destroy the whole site.

>the "browsing the catalog" experience

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But what do they gain?

I’ve said it before and I stand by it: Someone needs to create a new image board, basically a Yas Forums replica except you sign up with an account, wait 2-3 days to be able to post, but there are still no usernames and everyone is displayed as “user”. You need a password&email to login, but you won’t have a username and no one will be able to link your old posts (maybe all not deleted posts stay up maybe they expire). This would make for removing that bullish out 10x easier and 10x harder for them to do in the first place. It wouldn’t be worth the effort on their part.

I see this much less in "traditional" Yas Forums boards.

It's been happening for years

Scooby's neck looks like a turtle's and his calorie calculator is literally the worst one on the internet.

His calorie calculator, just like a lot of the brosciency advice out there, are assuming you are on steroids. Not really but it’s based off the experiences of someone who pics on gear.

>But what do they gain?
That's the million dollar question.
I would use that hypothetical website.

Are you that gay who been making post about dreaming of a new fit and other gay bs? Eat shit and die faggot.

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It me jew man from reddit


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No, I think is correct. While it’s easier to just blame a grand conspiracy I’m pretty sure it’s just Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and lastly the big influx of normalfags.
While it looks like an organized attack I think the constant spam is just normalfags posting a new le ebic meme until it’s tired and unfunny.
There might be some trolls, like the “trans btw” posters, my theory is most are newfags and normalfags from other boards and sites.

This is Yas Forums now, everything is about mental illness, eating disorders, and losing weight after binge eating. Anons can't even lift because they're fasting for 7 days before they relapse and gain 80 pounds in a month.

I think jannies just let Yas Forums have this board so they don't spill over onto other boards. It makes their jobs easier to let them have Yas Forums, and since they do it for free, of course they're gonna take the path of least resistance.

Jannies and mods really killed Yas Forums


Kek that Jannie is a fucker, don't see anyone getting banned for threads about eating disorders. Is there a way to report jannies?