Its finally here bros. I'll see all you small-dicked non-angion users fuckin never

Its finally here bros. I'll see all you small-dicked non-angion users fuckin never

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W-what is it

you can supposedly increase the size of your dick with this

I can’t understand this picture


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google angion method

Nice. How much did you gain with just angion methods with hands?

you are fucking retarded for buying this

thinking of buying this too
my pener is only 7''x5.2''

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the fuck am i lookin at

read the previous posts you autistic blind piece of shit
go back to plebbit if you can't read and kill yourself faggot

I've been doing the hand methods for around 6 months quite religiously. Have gained .75" in length and close to .6" in girth, and I expect that to skyrocket with the angiowheel. Janus is based

unless you're exaggerating, that's in the 98th percentile non bone pressed, or 95th bone pressed. Not sure how you measured, but quit feeding into penis falsity

no its not lmao
the average size of a guy in a relationship is around 8''

why do u even care about dick size anons? im gonna coom and enjoy sex anyways, why would you go so far to please women?
t.15 cm penor

Fuckin lmao

there were no replies when I posted that fucknut. I forgive you though, having a small dick must be infuriating. all the best with your shaft stretcher

you posted 8min after someone already anwsered that question you mentally ill faggot
neck yourself and stop embarrassing yourself

bullshit, I'm nearing 8 inches and I refuse to believe that I'm in the 1% of dick size. I honestly, honestly believe that they have simply knocked an inch or two of the "average" to reduce insecurities from sad feckin coomers. Kinda like that south park episode. It's probably also why the japs blur out cocks in porn lmao

yeah but I'm flicking back and forth through different tabs, this site doesn't auto-refresh ya dafty
again, my condolences

maybe try refreshing the site next time and you won't sound like such a dumbass

I'm over 7.5" and my last gf said my dick was "normal" in size. None of my girlfriends ever called it big.

>user, are you ready for bed?
>hold on honey, I need to run this wheel up my shaft for 20m first

May as well just get a penis pump. You're doing literally the same thing as a penis pump.

How the fuck do you use this thing?

t. virgin

not really, penis pump pumps your dick full of blood and keeps it there, restricting blood flow, while angion method manipulates stronger blood flow as it would naturally occur

>maybe try refreshing the site next time and you won't sound like such a dumbass
seethe more dicklet

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so interesting how everyone on Yas Forums has at least a 7 inch cock

How do you imagine the blood travels when using a dick pump? Instead of using suction to force blood up your shaft, you're using your fingers or this wheel full of rollers. Really consider what you're doing.

I don’t. I have a sub average dick. I don’t even know why I bother lifting when it’s gonna be all for naught in the end.

oh wow didn't see this one comming at all

yeah I've only had it called big by 2 out of the 10/11 girls I've slept with but they were both quite short so I figured it was just that.
Porn and amateur porn shows us that their is a crazy variance in dick size, although there might be a bias. pro porn obviously hires the outliers at the large end, and smaller ones might end up going quote unquote 'viral' simply because they are on the other end of the spectrum. idk too much about statistics but I stick by the idea that they reduce the "average" size. can you imagine the school shooting rates if like 45% of kids thought they had a tiny cock lmao

No you retard, with suction it forces the veins to be in a permanent stretched state. Where as with angion method, you manipulate a natural flow just with more intensity, meaning your veins pules from smaller to bigger as they normally would

Angion method is LITERALLY just increasing blood flow. Penis pump puts a long-lasting stretch on your veins and your tissue

I'd need a magnifying glass to see you coming, dicklet

>tfw 5.5 inches hard
game's over for me

I’ve got a chode-ish 7” and I made a girl bleed once mang. I‘ve also hit short girls‘ cervixes before

It’s not huge but it’s definitely more than the norm. Dunno what universe you’re living in