Oh hi user. We're just sitting here discussing "The transcendence of the Ego" by Jean-Paul Sartre, have you read it? No...

>Oh hi user. We're just sitting here discussing "The transcendence of the Ego" by Jean-Paul Sartre, have you read it? No..? Becky saw you with a book under your arm yesterday, what was it? Hmm, no I don't think I've ever read "Starting Strength", wait, is it a critique of phenomenological thinking? S-squats and barbells? Hmm. Anyway, because you interrupted our discussion we think it's only fair you take your shirt off and show us your chiseled abs hehe

Attached: 3 girls.jpg (403x598, 76.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Walk away from any thot who thinks Sartre is worth her time

I want to blow my brains out

philosophy is the most retarded shit ever, all philosophers should be put to death

Goosebumps, ever heard of it?

that was my colouring book, can you teach me how to read?


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I was over Sartre by the time I was fifteen, sweetie.


These girls wouldn’t even get a second look from me let alone a conversation on some nerd shit

>Reading Sartre
>Reading anything not on the Oprah book club

Fifty shades was a best seller for a reason and it wasn't men.

>Becky,look a that quiet guy in the corner
>omg, he looks pissed off
>why is he scowling into his phone and not talking to anyone?
>he probably thought that his muscles would make him super interesting hehe

And yes, they're the first prints from the 90s with the original cover art.

Satre was a genius. His work on existence preceding essence is fantastic. Satre and Heidigger are fantastic reads.

Well there was Simone de Beauvoir. She read Sartre extensively.

The only thing genius about Sartre is his masterful proof of physiognomy. No other man has ever been capable of demonstrating how absolutely terrible of a person he is by looking so foul.


Attached: [RAUGHS].jpg (500x500, 46.87K)

Not even very muscular just y’all and good looking but thanks

Hey now, all the goats look like ass. Take plato for example.

Plato, at least, had his local Champion's Title Belt.

Can you define a philosopher?

>grab red shirt by the tits with both hands
>scream AWOOGA in her face as loud as I can
>try to run out the front door but hit the wall instead
>arrested for sexual assault and read Sartre in prison
>realize he's a hack

Unironically, R.L. Stine wrote some actual spooky shit.

A person who talks instead of acting

t. camus

Someone who cares more about being right than the actual discussion.

Someone who overthinks things and lives in their head

actual brainlets

This. If I ever meet a women with an actual interest in philosophy I will be astounded.

t. actual brainlet

a Chad

Found the philosopher

Ok, Dr. philosopher

I’m so smart and think out of the box. I read books written by hacks because they’re on the required reading list. Almost the only reason someone reads that glorified toilet paper.

>"ur the brianlet"

Attached: tenor.gif (270x270, 2.38M)

I feel like I can see how they smell. It’s not good. I have a boner, now

Upvoted. :)


based feynmann hated fucking philosophers, he would regularly shit on how useless philosophers were and how worthless philosophy was, I remember in one of his books he wrote about how philosophers never produce anything useful and just fuck around with definitions which is funny because of this reply you got basically doing exactly that, oh guess what now you're baited into a completely unsolvable waste of time argument about definitions, which is 99.9999999999999% of all philosophy

whores feign interest to mimic seeming smart, post that pic of sasha grey posing with some philosophy garbage book


Always funny when physicists try and shit on philosophy, not realising all science is literally a product of philosophy. How we make sense of the world is a fundamental question that many philosophers have tried to tackle. It's why we have the scientific method.

>not realising all science is literally a product of philosophy
lol fuck off, philosophy has contributed absolutely fuck all