Is it even possible to be big as a natural lifter? Every natty I've seen only looks good with a shirt off (twink with abs basically) or they're an obese powershitter.
Is it even possible to be big as a natural lifter...
not really. so many people roid nowadays that the standard for being truly "big" is essentially completely unattainable natty. you can sometimes do it in theory but it takes so many years of incredible effort that it more or less doesn't exist anymore.
You can only choose two.
What's the safest steroid to take?
I don't want to die at 25
Testosterone only cycle is safe. But honestly you shouldnt start to roid until your 25 because thats when your fully grown as a male. If your a girl dont even do steroids.
Im 19 i want to be big now
I haven't grown taller since 17 so i think the growing is done
I grew from 182cm at 18 to 186cm at 20
Yes it is, you need
>to be tall
>wide shoulders
>big ribcage
>big bone structure
>thick joints
>large proportion of fast muscle cells
>eat and train a lot
Where do i even get roids? Ive been lifting for years. Im upper intermediate and ive just turned 33. I want to get on that TRT. You think its easy to get this in the UK?
hang out long enough at the most serious gym in your area, you'll find our local hookup
Of course it is.
dyel arms
you can be big as natty. you just can't be big and shredded at the same time and it takes 10-20 years of dedicated lifting when starting in your teens. you also need a bit of luck on genetics
>dyel arms
Not if you’re white. I’m natty and LOOK bigger than most guys in a shirt due to my darker complexion.
Are any of the websites legit? Ive got a home gym
ai tää levis tänne asti :D
Is that what was considered big back then, fucking hell, I was natty and twice that size in a year training 10 hours a week, fuck all compared to a lot of fit.
That's exactly why he should roid. Take test to get a more alpha bone structure. Get the most bang for your buck.
Steroids are the safest drugs on earth.
This looks like shit
That's the natty potential with top 10% genetics.
jesus christ for real? The average dude at my gym mogs the shit out of him
They are all on roids?
He was one of the most famous pre-roid era bodybuilders. What do you think?
yes. so many people fucking roid these days it's obscene
with very basic knowledge in supplementation and training, sports science has come a long way
That's crazy, guess im gonna have to roid up then. If natural bodybuilding looks like then i dont want to be natty anymore
A long way in the chem lab, yeah. Nothing else has really changed.
>powerfat with dyel arms and zero knowledge about nutrition
Yawn. That's basically the average Yas Forumsard.
We've been through this so many times already, lmao.
I used to have this photo.
I memed it "Deadlifts Internally"
Any of you mongs steal it ?
>I'd like to see it again, someday.
I'm going to shill Jordan Peters/his website trainedbyjp
If you want to get big big (eg Konstantin Konstantinovs rip or actual bodybuilder big) his methods are probably the fastest and least deleterious to your health out there. Up until you break 300 pounds at 5'6" and have partially fucked most of the joints in your body. But just don't force feed up to 300 pounds