1 year progress thread

1 year progress thread.

Certified DYEL. Basic callisthenics cardio and better diet.

Used to lift weights inconsistently, injury and health forced me to change it up last year.

Be interested for a BF% estimate, my scales say 17%

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You became smaller

Post routine

Nice progress so far bro

You became retarded

you looked better before

I get that, but my body felt like shit and I couldn’t jog for 30seconds.

Not really chasing aesthetics, more health. Although abs for the first time ever at this ripe old age is kinda cool.

Look great

mirin' had, could you tell us about routine/diet?

Great progress, and miring mane gain

don't listen to the delusional fatties (they say you looked better before because they themselves are pudgy), you look much better now, good progress

nice, keep going

>60kg "male"

>You're a manlet, Harry

Thanks for all the nice words!

More info as requested:

Last year I decided to completely change it up. Had some stomach issues and I realised if I didn’t make a change soon I could be reducing my life expectancy. I started couch25k which was my first ever attempt at cardio or running. Could barely run 30seconds.

I would eventually after a few months work up to running a 5k 3x a week and I’d do a body weight routine after each run:

10x pull ups
35x push ups
35x crunches
35x squats
35x heel drops/raises
12x dumbbell curls
12x skull crushers

I’d repeat that circuit 3 times to hit 100 push/crunch/squat. Then finish with 5-10mins stretching - something I never really bothered with before.

This routine made up 80% of the last year. I had started swapping out a 5k for a 10k once a week recently...

I actually injured my ankle a few months back and have had to stop running sadly. So I’m now getting my cardio from HIIT and doing a little more varied callisthenics centred around the same pullups/pushups/abs/squats . 0 weights and 0 running currently, although hoping to reintroduce both this year. I’ve got a cool push up board that also has a pretty rudimentary workout calendar that I’ve been using the last month and it’s been working out ok so far. I throw in a 10-20min HIIT routine most days.

In terms of diet I just cut out as much sugar and alcohol as possible to begin with. I found some low calorie alternatives for snack bars and choccies so I could still have my stoned munchies. Weight loss only really happened when I started counting calories. I currently average 2500-2600 per day over the week. With about 4 workout days minimum. Good days and bad days, I just always log it to stay accountable.

You look leagues better dude

So, no weights?
That explains the lack of mass

Yeah, also not counting macros and taking 0 supplements so my protein intake is trash.

Goal was just to feel better, let injuries heal and lose fat with the intention of getting back to heavy weights ASAP. However, I’m planning to try out a weight vest for a while first and increase my protein substantially.

I know this is bait but explain to me right now how that's even remotely true you disgusting stinky bloatfag.

ive made reverse progress
went from 180lb skinnyfat to 160lb ottermode to now 200lb fatty. look better now at 200lb than I did at 180 but still. anyone got advice for cutting during quarantine without losing muscle since i cant lift

very nice progress dude! congrats

Ty buddeh

Mirin bro

Nice change bro.

Clearly you're not a 17% BF, more like 11-12

you look way better in the after picture.
good job user

What were your calories like when you were losing the weight? 2500ish or less than that?

damn looking shredded nice progress user

Good job.

I just checked. Would average 1900-2200 at the start. Last few months is 2500-2700

Thanks man

>174 cm

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