Hey Yas Forums, what vitamins and supplements do you take?

Hey Yas Forums, what vitamins and supplements do you take?

Is there a definite guide for vitamins/supplements/minerals that I should be taking. Apparently regular multi-vitamins are shit because they don't absorb well? I saw a guide awhile back that had a lot of good information, but I forgot to save it.

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supplements are snake oil unless your diet is complete gutter shit or you have a specific illness
single multivitamin will do everything you need but if you eat right you dont need a multivitamin

the ONLY useful supplement is protein powder because of how hard it is to get enough protein and hit certain calorie targets at the same time

please Yas Forums

I don't know my man. I just started supplementing sulfur in my diet, and have noticed a noticeable difference.

Difference in what?
Sulfur intake?


Protein powder and generic multivitamin is essential, creatine if it doesn't cause hair loss (does for me) and caffeine are only pre workouts worth it.

Good diet

Energy, recovery time, mental clarity.
The modern diet doesn't provide like 70% of the nutrients that can be supplemented with vitamins, so I don't know why you guys are so anti-vitamin.

>if you eat right you dont need a multivitamin
But wouldn't you have to eat a shitton of different foods every day?
Like 10 kinds of veggies/meats each day just to hit all of the possible types of vitamins/minerals?
Or Am I an idiot and its not that hard at all?

>I don't know why you guys are so anti-vitamin.
its a snake oil industry where most supplements dont even contain what they claim to contain, and the majority of studies have shown absolutely zero benefit for supplements
the studies that show benefits are almost always people with illnesses
no doctor will recommend supplements unless you have a disease or eat like shit

People who are "anti-vitamin/anti-supplements" are just coping with the fact that they can't afford, or don't want to spend $100 a month on vitamins/supplements.

Let's see those studies my guy.

This picture is pretty much me but at 23.

>does nothing all day only improves

I just take omega 3 and vitamin d (deficiency because no sun). Probably placebos but I feel good

Requesting that vitamin guide that gets posted sometimes written by that fitness trainer.

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Still waiting on that guide Yas Forums

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The body is capable to some extent of storing stuff longer than a day.

I take the following:
>Magnesium & Calcium
>BCAA (got it for free from myprotein)
>Vitamin D
>Vitamin B
>Vitamin E
>Vitamin D
My friend claims that taking Mg & Ca helped him recover faster after workouts. Zinc supposedly helps with your sex drive.
Vitamin D is a must from me, as I live in bongland. The others I buy bcs they are very cheap and I don't eat veggies daily.
Honestly, I can't say how much of a difference each one makes, I know Vit D helped a lot with my mood, made me more energetic too.

Take vitamin E, trust me on this one and try it then you’ll know why I recommend it

Takes you back to those puberty days

liver, mackerel, seaweed

Multivitamin(mainly for 5mg zinc, 110mcg selenium, other vitamins included)
Fish Oil 1500mg
D3 6000IU
Maca 1.5-2g (just started a few days ago)

What else is recommended?

>trust me on this one and try it then you’ll know why I recommend it
Nah, it does nothing. Trust me on this one, bro.

Eat your fucking vegetables/dark berries/whole eggs/avacados/greek yogurt. That's like 95% of your vitamin and mineral needs out of the way.
This goes out the window if you're pinning, where health supplementation becomes highly beneficial, but that's beyond the scope of your question.

It's not that hard. Health retards make out like it is by saying things like "oh I'm going to add some x to my diet for that good vitamin y." In reality the amounts of each vitamin you actually need are quote small.

Eat a balanced, varied diet and you'll be fine. Source: have been vegetarian for just under a year and had no issues. So, either it's not that hard or you can store plenty for a long time. In either case (you) likely have nothing to worry about.

If you're concerned take a multivitamin like once a week. They're cheap and just and effective as more expensive stuff like those meme effervescent tablets.


Fucking phone making me look like a retard. I don't need its help.

The supplement industry in the EU is regulated by the food standards agency. This is the kind of dictatorship we live under here. They definitely contain what they claim to contain.

I always wondered if that was CR7 body, it looks similar.

Start taking a sulfur supplement.

Hey guys, I had a question. Is it true certain types of food and vitamins make women’s vagene juice taste better? If so, does working out help as well? I was also curious if the tastes differ among the races. If so, what all does it taste like (I’m abstaining until marriage but I’m just curious)

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This pic is HOT I want me a brapper like that


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What do you think about L-Arginine for hgh

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