What is the fucking point?

Why do I have to torture myself just to look good?

Lifting fucking sucks and hurts
Eating healthy is annoying and a pain in the ass
Counting calories sucks
Cardio is a pain in the ass
Talking to women and pretending to care about their vapid self-centered bullshit is awful
Women are all whores and aren't even worth the effort
Working is fucking horrible when you can just get neetbux instead

Why should I do all this shit when I could just do what 99% of humanity does and just be a slob that gives in to his base desires? In the end we're all just insignificant dust anyway.

Don't give me retarded ancient greek motivational pictures, it's all meaningless

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kill yourself whiny bitch

I you dislike lifting, you shouldn't lift. Find a hobby you enjoy and get good at it instead of trying to fit in.

Simple as.

Then don't do everything if it's so annoying dipshit. You're not an autist that let's a bunch of other internet autists dictate your life are you? All you need to do is do some exercise, everything else is an enchancer. Or do nothing at all and look forward to a future where searching for your penis sends you into labour I guess.

>Lifting fucking sucks
>Eating healthy is annoying
Healthy food tastes great. The healthier you make it (by adding vegetables, spices), the better it gets.
>Counting calories sucks
>Cardio is a pain in the ass
>Talking to women and pretending to care about their vapid self-centered bullshit is awful
Yes based
>Women are all whores and aren't even worth the effort
*90% of them are, the goal is to score better than 9 out of 10 men
>Working is fucking horrible when you can just get neetbux instead
How about this: You work to get enough money to invest? Which will inevitably help you become independent

OP here. I actually agree, I was just being overly negative because I haven't been able to lift for a month because of corona and it's making me grumpy and messing with my head and bodyweight shit can only go so far. I want to go back to the fucking gym already

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>Counting calories sucks
you weak minded fucking bitch
when I came into this thread I thought maybe you have a point and are just too sad to release you're wrong.

I've been counting calories for close to 250days now without skipping a single meal.

y'all weird.

your shitty retard thread is going to get bumped a thousand times, never post here again

It's okay baby girl, I've been posting here since '10 I know how to farm them (You)s

>the goal is to score better than 9 out of 10 men
never in my life have I read anything more based.

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just order some dumbbells, like who cares if you got those. no gym needed

>Lifting fucking sucks and hurts

nah but only sometimes

Youre right user

Stay in bed it feels good, eat that cereal and smoke the weed,

Life should be endless dopamine hits that leave you an empty husk

Lift less no need for everyone to go beast mode
lern to cook
use an app to count fucking easy
don't do cardio
don't listen to them just smash
all women are the problem or just you?
Do something you like for a living

If it doesn't matter why are you unhappy, because it does matter to you

If you do things that don't suck you will suck

>Cardio is a pain in the ass
Watch run with the wind until you like running

It'll make you live longer and feel less like a depressed piece of shit

>Why should I do all this shit when I could just do what 99% of humanity does and just be a slob that gives in to his base desires?
Yes op, why should you? You're a faggot afterall, not ubermensch material like we chads are

Simple Anson. Because happy does exist. There are friends, family, and paid professionals who will help you find it, but ultimately it's your responsibility.

I can't say whether dieting and lifting will help you find happiness.


>the goal is to score better than 9 out of 10 men

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Even if you don't want to do it, you have to do at least some physical activity.

90% of men are also degenerates and whores

>Counting calories sucks
You're a moron, just plan your entire eating day and eat the same thing every day

especially me

Find the balance broski

>fully body workout day A
>20 minute run day B
>rinse and repeat ABAB ect
Literally only 60 minutes over two days, 40 minutes lifting and 20 running. Its piss fucking easy and you'll look good, not godlike but far better than average.


>Simple as.
this user speaks the truth.
Listen here OP - this isn't a simple task to complete to achieve your goal. It's making it. We tell people they are making it when they start. Making it is the goal and process in one. You will never be perfect, because perfect means finished.

Start easy by drinking more water. Cut out sugar. Go from there. You need to change your life for this to work out, and you'll be better off for it. If your current routine is too much, cut yourself some slack, but keep progressing. In five years you'll look back and wonder how things were so bad and how it is so easy.

underrated post

>wants to look good without working out and eating healthy
>wants to get women without having to talk to them
>wants money without working for it
Fuck you. You are everything that is wrong with this board, this site, this country, and this world.

Lifting is good for your mental health. Cardio can be fun if you do something like riding a bike or a cardio based sport like boxing instead of running on a treadmill and staring at the wall. I've also found friends in the gym. Eating healthy is good for your own physical and mental wellbeing. Work isn't fun yeah, but I've been jobless a few months and you just become a fucking slob and stop enjoying it after a month. Women aren't all vapid and self centered I've met lots that were genuinly nice to be around (but whoring and cheating is common, so yeah)

>Cardio can be fun if you do something like riding a bike or a cardio based sport like boxing
I like having sex with other men, do you think this would be a good cardio regimen?

go back to your board emo faggot